[BIC-announce] lecture

Vincent Gracco vincent.gracco at mcgill.ca
Wed Oct 7 03:41:10 EDT 2009

Hi jennifer,

Could you send this out to the list--

Dr. Michael Arbib: CRLMB Distinguished Lecture Series

OCT. 9, 2009 - 2:00 PM TO 3:45 PM
Mcintyre Medical Building, Room 1034, 3655 Promenade Sir William Osler
The Centre for Research on Language, Mind and Brain welcomes Dr.  
Michael Arbib, who will present an invited lecture entitled  
"Recognizing speech in a novel accent: The motor theory of speech  
perception reframed."
Dr.  Arbib (USC) is a Fletcher Jones Professor of Computer Science, as  
well as Professor of Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering,  
Electrical Engineering, Neuroscience and Psychology. He is also  
director of the USC Brain Project.
Further information contact Lisa Coady at lisa.coady at mcgill.ca


Vincent L. Gracco, PhD
Director, Centre for Research on Language, Mind and Brain
McGill University
3640 de la Montagne
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 2A8

ph: 514-398-7298
fax: 514-398-8123
email: vincent.gracco at mcgill.ca

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