[BIC-announce] FW: Next UNF Seminar - The small world of big word - the cognitive processes of figurative languge processing

Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Wed May 27 14:52:09 EDT 2009


Jennifer Chew

McConnell Brain Imaging Centre

MNI - WB317

3801 University Street

Montreal, Qc  H3A 2B4

Telephone:  514-398-8554

Fax:  514-398-2975




From: Francine Bélanger [mailto:francine.belanger at criugm.qc.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 2:50 PM
To: Pina Sorrini, Ms.; Enza Ferracane, Ms.; Jennifer Chew, Ms.
Subject: Next UNF Seminar

Title :                  The small world of big word - the cognitive processes of figurative language processing 

Abstract:             Generation, formulation and communication of new ideas in language form are unique human features  However,  the cognitive processes involved in learning storing, and processing concepts are not yet understood. For instance the processes involved in constructing figurative and literal meanings leading to new ideas (i.e. creative expressions) are still quite a mystery. Uncovering these processes, may require evaluating the dynamic pattern of complex neuronal structures that emerge during concept comprehension and processing. Creative expressions such as metaphors may violate the literal meaning and the usual logics or conventions. For producing/understanding a metaphoric expression, unrelated concepts (memory, doors) have to be integrated ultimately into a meaningful linguistic form. Similarly, to generate new idea for pizza delivery services one may have to connect artificially and then resolve the incongruity between two different attributes such as price and temperature. The lecture present our studies of the cognitive processes involved in the comprehension of creative language, and the evaluation (using  Complexity Systems approaches) of the functional networks emergent during figurative versus literal expressions.


Lecturer:             Yossi Arzouan, PhD 

                           Postdoctoral Fellow , Zaidel Lab, UCLA & Breznitz Lab, Haifa University 

Date:                  Vendredi 5 juin 2009 

Time                    11h30

Room:                R0715 - CRIUGM

                           4565, Queen-Mary Rd, Montreal







Francine Bélanger

Coordonnatrice administrative UNF / RNQ / RBIQ-QBIN

Centre de recherche, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal

4565, chemin Queen-Mary, Montréal (Québec) H3W 1W5

Tél.:      (514) 340-3540 # 4785

Téléc.:  (514) 340-3530

Courriel: francine.belanger at criugm.qc.ca

Web UNF:  www.unf-montreal.ca

Web RBIQ: www.rbiq-qbin.qc.ca


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