[BIC-announce] FW: Workshop "Inverse problems in brain imaging and multimodal data fusion" - Montreal - August 24-29 2009
Jennifer Chew, Ms.
jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Tue Jun 30 10:22:04 EDT 2009
CALL FOR ABSTRACT - DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION JULY 15th - REGISTRATION IS OPEN Inverse problems in brain imaging and multimodal data fusion Montreal, CANADA, August 24-29, 2009
Organizers: Christophe Grova(McGill), Sylvain Baillet (Med. College of Wisconsin), Jean-Marc Lina (Ecole de Technologie Superieure, CRM) ( http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/Inverse09/index_e.php)
Sylvain Baillet, Jean-MarcLina and myself are organizing a workshop entitled "Inverse problems in brain imagery and multimodal data fusion". This workshop supported by the "Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques" de l'Université de Montréal (http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/) will last 5 days in Montreal from the 24th to the 29th of August 2009 The diversity of non invasive imaging devices (MRI, EEG, MEG, Near Infrared
Spectroscopyl) allows one to explore the brain dynamics provided there exists a mathematical framework that encompass this multimodality and the complexity of the inherent sources of the cerebral signals. Despite a general agreement about the source modelling, many mathematical strategies have been elaborated in order to solve the inevitable ill-posed inverse problem. What are the common features between those approaches? What are the mathematical frameworks the most appropriate for handling simultaneous measurements from different modalities? What are the best approaches for estimating both spatial and temporal brain activities?
The workshop will consist in full 3-hours invited lectures followed by more specific presentations and one poster session.
Participants interested in presenting a contributed talk or a poster are invited to submit an abstract before the 15th of July 2009.
Participants interested in attending, the registration is now open, places are limited
Check our website for more information:
Preliminary program below
We hope to see you in Montreal
Grova Christophe, Baillet Sylvain, and Lina Jean-Marc
Monday August 24th: Inverse problem (1)
- Matti Hamalainen - Martinos Cent. for Biomed. Imag. Boston USA MEG and EEG side by side in terms of neural sources sources, measurement techniques, forward modeling, and source modeling.
- Srikantan Nagarajan - Univ. Calif. at San Francisco USA Machine learning advances in electromagnetic imaging.
Probabilistic algorithms developed for analyses of MEG and EEG data
Tuesday August 25th: Inverse problem (2)
- Jan de Munck - VU Medical Center Amsterdam, Netherlands Computational aspects of forward and inverse modelling of MEG and EEG
- Nelson Trujillo Barreto - Cuban Centre for Neurosciences - LaHavana, Cuba Probabilistic and biophysical models for the analysis and integration of functional neuroimages
- Round table / discussion:
How deep one can see with MEG vs EEG?
Moderators: M. Hamalainen, J. de Munck
Wednesday August 26th: Dipole scanning approaches
- J Mosher - Cleveland Clinic USA
A Beamformer Perspective of MEG and EEG Source Analyses.
(non-cerebral noise rejection in MEG/EEG, non linear source localization)
- Doug Cheyne: Toronto Sick Kids Hospital, Canada Most recent developments in beamforming techniques
- Hermann Stefan - MEG Center, Erlangen, Germany Clinical application of multimodal data (EEG/MEG/MRI//PET/SPECT) in epilepsy
- Round table / discussion : model comparison and model selection for EEG/MEG inverse problem
Moderators: N. Trujillo-Barreto, J. Daunizeau
Thursday August 27th: Multimodal data fusion
- Christophe Grova - McGill University, Biomedical Engineering Dpt, Canada Insights from electrophysiology (MEG/EEG) and hemodynamic processes
(fMRI/NIRS) using multimodal imaging to characterize the epilptogenic network
- Jean Daunizeau - Functional Imaging Lab., London, UK Stochastic dynamic causal models in EEG/MEG
- Jorge Riera - Tohoku University, Japan Modeling the genesis of the primary current density from a mesoscopic viewpoint: the relationship with EEG and MEG data
- Sylvain Baillet- The Medical College of Wisconsin, USA Optical flow techniques adapted to the analysis of time-resolved brain imaging data
- Round table / discussion : source localization and induced activity
Moderators: J.M Lina
Friday August 28th: Clinical and Neuroscience applications
- Jean-Marc Lina - Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Montreal, Canada Entropic approaches dedicated to the EEG/MEG inverse problem
- Eliane Kobayashi - McGill, Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada Clinical relevance of EEG/MEG and EEG/fMRI in epilepsy
- Stephan Grimault MEG center - Université de Montréal, Canada Memory retention and source localization of induced activity in MEG
- Round table / discussion : clinical and neuroscience application of the inverse problem,expectations of the users
Moderators: P. Jolicoeur (UdM), J. Gotman (McGill)
Christophe Grova, PhD
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering Dpt
Neurology and Neurosurgery Dpt
Montreal Neurological Institute
Biomedical Engineering Department - Room 304 McGill University
3775 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2B4 email : christophe.grova at mcgill.ca tel : (514) 398 2516 fax : (514) 398 7461
Research Assistant : MEG Center, CERNEC
Université de Montréal
tel : (514)-343-6111 ext 18878.
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