[BIC-announce] Reminder - Deadline to reply to the BIC Luncheon Invitation

Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Thu Dec 3 12:42:55 EST 2009

Hello Everyone:
Thank you to those who have replied to Dr. Pike's invitation to the BIC Luncheon.  I am attaching two lists in alpha order, one veg and the other non-veg. Please make sure your name is there if you have replied to me.  
A few places are still available.  When you reply please state  your choice of the main meal  from the menu provided in the invitation, the choice being either veg or non-veg. Remember - the deadline is Monday, December 7, 2009, which is fast approaching.  
Thank you.

Jennifer Chew
McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
MNI - WB317
3801 University Street
Montreal, Qc  H3A 2B4
Telephone:  514-398-8554
Fax:  514-398-2975

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