From jennifer.chew at Fri Aug 3 15:02:34 2007 From: jennifer.chew at (Jennifer Chew, Ms.) Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 15:02:34 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] FW: [NEURO] Aging and Dementia Symposium Message-ID: Forwarding on behalf of the organizers (list below). Jennifer ________________________________ From: neuro [mailto:NEURO at LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Anita Kar, Ms Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 2:32 PM To: NEURO at LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: [NEURO] Aging and Dementia Symposium Aging and Dementia Symposium December 13 and 14, 2007 Series of conferences concerning biological changes associated with normal and pathological aging Organized by Natasha Rajah, PhD, Researcher, Geriatric Psychiatry Program Jens C. Pruessner, PhD, Researcher, Psychosocial Research Division Ren? D?sautels, MD, FRCPC, Medical Chief; Geriatric Psychiatry Program Topic 1: Genetics J. Poirier, PhD (DMHUI, McGill University) G. D. Schellenberg, PhD (U. Washington, Seattle) E. Rogaeva, PhD (U.of T.) R. Quirion, PhD (DMHUI, McGill University) Topic 2: Neurochemistry R. Cools, PhD (Cambridge University) W. Song, MD, PhD (U. British Columbia) Topic 3: Functional Neuroimaging N. Rajah, PhD (DMHUI, McGill University) C. L. Grady, PhD (Rotman Research Inst. , U.of T.) H. Chertkow, MD (Lady Davis Inst. , McGill University) Topic 4: Structural Neuroimaging J. Pruessner, PhD (DMHUI, McGill University) N. Raz, PhD (Wayne State University) Topic 5: Prevention & treatment S. Gauthier, MD (DMHUI, McGill University) M. D'Esposito, MD (Helen Wills Neuroscience Inst. , U. C. Berkeley) Objectives 1- Facilitating knowledge transfer between researchers, clinicians, residents and clinical staff; 2 - Encouraging a multidisciplinary approach to research; 3 - Fostering national and international collaborations. Location Douglas Hall 6875 LaSalle Blvd. Registration opens August 15, 2007. Participation is free, but requires registration prior to the conference. Only open to researchers, clinicians, students and clinical staff. Presentations will be in English only. ___________________________________ Anita Kar, MSc Communications and Publications Coordinator Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital 3801 University Street Montreal, QC H3A 2B4 Tel. (514) 398-3376 Email. anita.kar at Anita Kar, M.Sc. Coordinatrice des communications et publications Institut et H?pital neurologiques de Montr?al 3801, rue University Montr?al (Qu?bec) H3A 2B4 T?l. (514) 398-3376 Courr. anita.kar at From belinda.preziosi at Tue Aug 7 09:32:01 2007 From: belinda.preziosi at (Belinda Preziosi, Ms.) Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 09:32:01 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] SAMOSA SALE AUG 9th for BREAST CANCER WALK :) Message-ID: To everyone working at the BIC, Please make sure to come to a YUMMY SAMOSA SALE this THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th from 12-2:30pm in the Jeanne Timmins Foyer. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO SUPPORT THE MONTREAL WALK TO END BREAST CANCER. Moreover, the samosas are absolutely delicious and extremely affordable ($2 each or 3 for $5) so just remember NOT to bring a lunch and to bring some change with you this Thursday. Lastly, if you'd like to make a further contribution to the Walk to End Breast Cancer, please visit: US&s_tafId=34959 to make a donation Thanks and see you all Thursday, Diane M.Sc candidate in Neurological Sciences ________________________________ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From belinda.preziosi at Thu Aug 9 09:32:17 2007 From: belinda.preziosi at (Belinda Preziosi, Ms.) Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 09:32:17 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] SAMOSA SALE THURSDAY for BREAST CANCER WALK Message-ID: ________________________________ To everyone working at the BIC, Please make sure to come to a YUMMY SAMOSA SALE this THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th from 12-2:30pm in the Jeanne Timmins Foyer. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO SUPPORT THE MONTREAL WALK TO END BREAST CANCER. Moreover, the samosas are absolutely delicious and extremely affordable ($2 each or 3 for $5) so just remember NOT to bring a lunch and to bring some change with you this Thursday. Lastly, if you'd like to make a further contribution to the Walk to End Breast Cancer, please visit: US&s_tafId=34959 to make a donation. Thanks and see you all Thursday, Diane M.Sc candidate in Neurological Sciences ________________________________ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From belinda.preziosi at Mon Aug 13 10:03:01 2007 From: belinda.preziosi at (Belinda Preziosi, Ms.) Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:03:01 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] PROTOCOLS FOR SUBMISSION Message-ID: To: B.I.C. Personnel From: Belinda Preziosi Date: August 13th, 2007 Subject: PROTOCOLS FOR SUBMISSION Hello, Please note that if you have any new or re-submission protocols for review by the PET Working Committee, Fifteen (15) copies of the protocol along with both the English and French consent forms (one copy, only, of the French Consent Form) must be submitted by Friday, August 24th, 2007 in Webster 220. For the most recent version of the Protocols and English and French Consent Forms, please see: Regards Jean Paul Soucy Belinda Preziosi Administrative Coordinator McConnell Brain Imaging Center Montreal Neurological Institute Room WB220 3801 University Montreal, QC H3A 2B4 Tel: (514) 398-1585 Fax: (514) 398-8948 Email: belinda.preziosi at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jennifer.chew at Tue Aug 14 16:49:53 2007 From: jennifer.chew at (Jennifer Chew, Ms.) Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 16:49:53 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] FW: Notice re MNI/H Recycling Message-ID: PLEASE DISCARD IF THIS IS A DUPLICATE. THANK YOU. JENNIFER Jennifer Chew McConnell Brain Imaging Centre MNI - WB317 3801 University Street Montreal, Qc H3A 2B4 Telephone: 514-398-8554 Fax: 514-398-2975 ________________________________ From: MNISTAFF - Montreal Neurological Institute Staff [mailto:MNISTAFF at LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Natasha Laliberte, Ms. Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 4:42 PM To: MNISTAFF at LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: Notice re MNI/H Recycling The mounting concern about our global environment has propelled the MNI/H to formulate an environment committee in order to re-evaluate and improve upon our environmental policies. Our multidisciplinary team is composed of representatives from the academic, clinical, and administrative departments and our mission statement is the following: We at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI/H) are committed to providing a working milieu that meets with the current environmental standards of our society. In striving to preserve and to protect the Environment as best we can, we will engage in the continual evaluation of our environmental policies and their implementation. Our standards are modeled from, and supplement those of our partner institutions, McGill University and the McGill University Health Centre. Together, we will persist in our role as educators, to teach and encourage members of the MNI/H community to espouse environmentally responsible attitudes and practices such as reducing, re-using, and recycling materials whenever possible. Understanding that our current paper recycling program has not been ideal, our first priority has been to re-assess this program in order to provide you with an efficient system in paper collection. Working closely with the MUHC, the goal is to commence a new mandate in the Fall of 2007. Your co-operation as a user will be needed in the form of 1) initiation/provision of ideas and 2) active participation and motivation to think green! Further details and guidelines will be provided in the near future; in the intervening time, please forward any comments and/or suggestions to Joyce Chen (Chair, Think Green Recycling Committee, graduate student representative) at joyce.chen at Once the paper program is successfully running, we will endeavour to look into other issues that have been brought to our attention such as the recycling of glass, metals, and plastics. Thank you for your patience and support. Joyce Chen Chair, Think Green Recycling Committee and Natasha Lalibert? Administrative Coordinator Director's Office, MNI/I Les pr?occupations grandissantes ? propos de l'environnement incitent l'IHNM ? former un comit? ayant pour but de r??valuer et d'am?liorer nos politiques environnementales. Notre ?quipe multidisciplinaire est compos?e de repr?sentants provenant des d?partements universitaire, clinique et administratif, et notre ?nonc? de mission est le suivant : ? l'Institut et H?pital neurologiques de Montr?al, nous nous engageons ? offrir un milieu de travail qui respecte les normes environnementales actuelles de notre soci?t?. Dans le cadre des efforts visant ? pr?server et ? prot?ger l'environnement du mieux que nous le pouvons, nous nous engageons ? ?valuer de fa?on continuelle nos politiques en mati?re d'environnement et ? les faire appliquer. Nos normes sont model?es et compl?t?es ? partir de celles de nos institutions partenaires, l'Universit? McGill et le Centre universitaire de sant? McGill. Ensemble, nous continuerons ? assumer notre r?le d'?ducateurs afin d'enseigner aux membres de la communaut? de l'IHNM ? adopter des attitudes et des pratiques environnementales responsables en plus de les encourager ? r?duire, ? r?utiliser et ? recycler aussi souvent que possible. Nous comprenons que notre programme actuel de recyclage du papier n'est pas id?al. Par cons?quent, notre priorit? consiste ? r??valuer ce programme dans le but de vous offrir un syst?me de collecte du papier efficace. Nous allons travailler en ?troite collaboration avec le CUSM, et notre objectif est d'entamer un nouveau mandat ? l'automne 2007. ? titre d'usager, nous vous demanderons de collaborer 1) en ?mettant des suggestions et en mettant des id?es en place et 2) en participant activement et en pensant vert! De plus amples d?tails et lignes directrices seront fournis prochainement. D'ici l?, veuillez faire parvenir tous commentaires et toutes suggestions ? Joyce Chen (pr?sidente du Comit? de Recyclage 'Pensez-Vert' de I'IHNM et repr?sentante des ?tudiants des cycles sup?rieurs) ? l'adresse joyce.chen at Lorsque le programme de recyclage du papier fonctionnera ad?quatement, nous nous consacrerons ? d'autres probl?mes nous ayant ?t? soumis tels le recyclage du verre, des m?taux et des plastiques. Nous vous remercions de votre patience et de votre appui. Joyce Chen Pr?sidente, Comit? de Recyclage 'Pensez-Vert' de l'IHNM et Natasha Lalibert? Coordonnatrice administratif Bureau du directeur, l'INMH -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From belinda.preziosi at Wed Aug 15 09:30:20 2007 From: belinda.preziosi at (Belinda Preziosi, Ms.) Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:30:20 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] FW: Notice re MNI/H Recycling Message-ID: Please see attached for your information. Belinda Preziosi Administrative Coordinator McConnell Brain Imaging Center Montreal Neurological Institute Room WB220 3801 University Montreal, QC H3A 2B4 Tel: (514) 398-1585 Fax: (514) 398-8948 Email: belinda.preziosi at ________________________________ From: MNISTAFF - Montreal Neurological Institute Staff [mailto:MNISTAFF at LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Natasha Laliberte, Ms. Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 4:42 PM To: MNISTAFF at LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: Notice re MNI/H Recycling The mounting concern about our global environment has propelled the MNI/H to formulate an environment committee in order to re-evaluate and improve upon our environmental policies. Our multidisciplinary team is composed of representatives from the academic, clinical, and administrative departments and our mission statement is the following: We at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI/H) are committed to providing a working milieu that meets with the current environmental standards of our society. In striving to preserve and to protect the Environment as best we can, we will engage in the continual evaluation of our environmental policies and their implementation. Our standards are modeled from, and supplement those of our partner institutions, McGill University and the McGill University Health Centre. Together, we will persist in our role as educators, to teach and encourage members of the MNI/H community to espouse environmentally responsible attitudes and practices such as reducing, re-using, and recycling materials whenever possible. Understanding that our current paper recycling program has not been ideal, our first priority has been to re-assess this program in order to provide you with an efficient system in paper collection. Working closely with the MUHC, the goal is to commence a new mandate in the Fall of 2007. Your co-operation as a user will be needed in the form of 1) initiation/provision of ideas and 2) active participation and motivation to think green! Further details and guidelines will be provided in the near future; in the intervening time, please forward any comments and/or suggestions to Joyce Chen (Chair, Think Green Recycling Committee, graduate student representative) at joyce.chen at Once the paper program is successfully running, we will endeavour to look into other issues that have been brought to our attention such as the recycling of glass, metals, and plastics. Thank you for your patience and support. Joyce Chen Chair, Think Green Recycling Committee and Natasha Lalibert? Administrative Coordinator Director's Office, MNI/I Les pr?occupations grandissantes ? propos de l'environnement incitent l'IHNM ? former un comit? ayant pour but de r??valuer et d'am?liorer nos politiques environnementales. Notre ?quipe multidisciplinaire est compos?e de repr?sentants provenant des d?partements universitaire, clinique et administratif, et notre ?nonc? de mission est le suivant : ? l'Institut et H?pital neurologiques de Montr?al, nous nous engageons ? offrir un milieu de travail qui respecte les normes environnementales actuelles de notre soci?t?. Dans le cadre des efforts visant ? pr?server et ? prot?ger l'environnement du mieux que nous le pouvons, nous nous engageons ? ?valuer de fa?on continuelle nos politiques en mati?re d'environnement et ? les faire appliquer. Nos normes sont model?es et compl?t?es ? partir de celles de nos institutions partenaires, l'Universit? McGill et le Centre universitaire de sant? McGill. Ensemble, nous continuerons ? assumer notre r?le d'?ducateurs afin d'enseigner aux membres de la communaut? de l'IHNM ? adopter des attitudes et des pratiques environnementales responsables en plus de les encourager ? r?duire, ? r?utiliser et ? recycler aussi souvent que possible. Nous comprenons que notre programme actuel de recyclage du papier n'est pas id?al. Par cons?quent, notre priorit? consiste ? r??valuer ce programme dans le but de vous offrir un syst?me de collecte du papier efficace. Nous allons travailler en ?troite collaboration avec le CUSM, et notre objectif est d'entamer un nouveau mandat ? l'automne 2007. ? titre d'usager, nous vous demanderons de collaborer 1) en ?mettant des suggestions et en mettant des id?es en place et 2) en participant activement et en pensant vert! De plus amples d?tails et lignes directrices seront fournis prochainement. D'ici l?, veuillez faire parvenir tous commentaires et toutes suggestions ? Joyce Chen (pr?sidente du Comit? de Recyclage 'Pensez-Vert' de I'IHNM et repr?sentante des ?tudiants des cycles sup?rieurs) ? l'adresse joyce.chen at Lorsque le programme de recyclage du papier fonctionnera ad?quatement, nous nous consacrerons ? d'autres probl?mes nous ayant ?t? soumis tels le recyclage du verre, des m?taux et des plastiques. Nous vous remercions de votre patience et de votre appui. Joyce Chen Pr?sidente, Comit? de Recyclage 'Pensez-Vert' de l'IHNM et Natasha Lalibert? Coordonnatrice administratif Bureau du directeur, l'INMH -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From belinda.preziosi at Mon Aug 20 10:58:15 2007 From: belinda.preziosi at (Belinda Preziosi, Ms.) Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 10:58:15 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] REMINDER - PROTOCOLS FOR SUBMISSION Message-ID: To: B.I.C. Personnel From: Belinda Preziosi Date: August 20th, 2007 Subject: REMINDER - PROTOCOLS FOR SUBMISSION Hello, Please note that if you have any new or re-submission protocols for review by the PET Working Committee, Fifteen (15) copies of the protocol along with both the English and French consent forms (one copy, only, of the French Consent Form) must be submitted by Friday, August 24th, 2007 in Webster 220. For the most recent version of the Protocols and English and French Consent Forms, please see: Regards Jean Paul Soucy Belinda Preziosi Administrative Coordinator McConnell Brain Imaging Center Montreal Neurological Institute Room WB220 3801 University Montreal, QC H3A 2B4 Tel: (514) 398-1585 Fax: (514) 398-8948 Email: belinda.preziosi at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From crystal.erickson at Mon Aug 20 11:19:24 2007 From: crystal.erickson at (Crystal Erickson) Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 11:19:24 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] Scan time available tomorrow Message-ID: <> If anyone needs a scan time on Tuesday, Aug 21 from 8:30-10 I just had a subject cancel. Please let me know! Cheers, Crystal crystal.erickson at From jennifer.chew at Wed Aug 22 11:20:23 2007 From: jennifer.chew at (Jennifer Chew, Ms.) Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:20:23 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] FW: Talk: Microvesicle shedding in the brain: insights on intercellular communication in the CNS, Dr. Bianco, Grandpre, Friday 10:30 am. Message-ID: PLEASE DISCARD IF THIS IS A DUPLICATE. THANK YOU. JENNIFER ________________________________ From: MNISTAFF - Montreal Neurological Institute Staff [mailto:MNISTAFF at LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Enza Ferracane, Ms. Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:08 AM To: MNISTAFF at LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: Talk: Microvesicle shedding in the brain: insights on intercellular communication in the CNS, Dr. Bianco, Grandpre, Friday 10:30 am. Hi, This email is to announce the following talk: Microvesicle shedding in the brain: insights on intercellular communication in the CNS Dr. Fabio Bianco, CNR-Institute of Neuroscience Dept. Medical Pharmacology, Univ. Milano Location: Grandpre communication centre Date: Friday 24th, 10:30 am Host: David Juncker/Tim Kennedy Everyone is welcome. Please don't hesitate to forward to anyone who might be interested. Please contact David Juncker if you would like to meet with the speaker. Sincerely David ------------------------------------------------------------- David Juncker, PhD Assistant Professor McGill University Tel: + 1 (514) 398 7676 Biomedical Engineering Dept. Fax: + 1 (514) 398 7461 3775, University St. rm #304 @: david.juncker at Montreal, QC, H3A 2B4 NEW WEBPAGE: Canada - From alain.dagher at Sun Aug 26 13:48:16 2007 From: alain.dagher at (Alain Dagher) Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 13:48:16 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] BIC Seminars Message-ID: The BIC seminars will be re-starting on Monday Sept 17. They will be at 1:00pm in the De Grandpr?. The first 4-5 seminars will be an introduction to basic principles of neuro-imaging. See you there. Alain Dagher, MD Associate Professor Montreal Neurological Institute McGill University 3801 University St Montreal QC Canada H3A 2B4 tel: (514) 398-1726 fax: (514) 398-8948 alain at From boucher at Fri Aug 31 17:33:13 2007 From: boucher at (Maxime Boucher) Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 17:33:13 -0400 Subject: [BIC-announce] [Fwd: [perception-list] Vision/HCI/MobileRobotics/Haptics/etc] Message-ID: <> For those that may be interested to give or attend seminars on computational perception. Maxime -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: "Mike Langer" Subject: [perception-list] Vision/HCI/MobileRobotics/Haptics/etc Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 13:41:57 -0400 (EDT) Size: 5836 Url: