[BIC-announce] FW: REMINDER - UNF Seminar on April 5

Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Wed Apr 4 09:06:19 EDT 2007


From: Francine Bélanger [mailto:francine.belanger at criugm.rtss.qc.ca] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 6:32 PM
To: Felicia Callocchia, Ms.; Jennifer Chew, Ms.
Subject: REMINDER - UNF Seminar on April 5

To whom interesded...

UNF Seminar Series
Unité de neuroimagerie fonctionnelle 
Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal 
The meetings will be bi-monthly starting on April 5th. 
The meetings will take place at the IUGM (4565 Queen Mary) at lunch time 12:00-12:50 in room R-0715 (Entrance 25). 
Lecturer: Dr. Rick Hoge, T"MRI data acquisition and analysis at the UNF: an overview for users".

Francine Bélanger
Coordonnatrice administrative de l'UNF/RNQ/REPRIC
Centre de recherche, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
4565, chemin Queen Mary, Montréal (Québec) H3W 1W5
Tél.:	  (514) 340-2800 p. 4785
Téléc.:   (514) 340-3530
Courriel: francine.belanger at criugm.rtss.qc.ca
Web :	  www.unf-montreal.ca

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