[BIC-announce] Technical Coordinator

Alberto Jimenez alberto at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Mon Nov 6 08:51:45 EST 2006

Thanks for your attention, 
On Thursday 02 November 2006 10:33, Yvonne CZECHOWSKA wrote:
> Hello All,
> The Brain Imaging Group of the Douglas Hospital Research Centre is seeking
> a qualified candidate for a technical coordinator position.  This is
> primarily a research and development based position, requiring familiarity
> with signal processing and programming abilities in several platforms,
> with some peripheral maintenance and administrative duties.
> Qualifications:
> Candidate should have a Bachelors degree in Computer Science or related
> field. Research experience is highly desirable, but not required.
> 	Candidate should have familiarity with Windows environment and
> experience programming in platforms, such as UNIX and MATLAB.
> Summary of Responsibilities:
> 	Development:
> - Work with researchers on the development and optimization of data
>    acquisition and analysis software.
> - Installation and testing of physiological equipment for MRI environment.
> 	Maintenance/Administrative:
> - Technical and preventative maintenance of equipment.
> - System administrative duties for mock scanner and SGI network.
> 	Knowledge Transfer:
> - Responsible for technical assistance and troubleshooting for mock
> scanner,
>    physiological equipment and SGI network.
> - Responsible for periodic training sessions with new researchers and
> regular
>    system updates with the Brain Imaging Group.
> Salary is commensurate with experience.  Interested applicants, please
> send a copy of your CV to:
> Dr. Martin Lepage
> Director, Brain Imaging Group
> Douglas Hospital Research Centre
> 6875 LaSalle Blvd
> Verdun, Qubec
> H4H1R3
> Or email to:  martin.lepage at mcgill.ca.
> For more information about the Brain Imaging Group please see:
> http://www.douglasrecherche.qc.ca/groups/brain
> Yvonne Czechowska
>  Brain Imaging Analyst
>  Brain Imaging Group
>  Douglas Hospital Research Center
> Montreal, Canada
> (514) 761-6131 ext. 3362
> _______________________________________________
> BIC-announce mailing list
> BIC-announce at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
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Brain Imaging Center, Montreal Neurological Institute
3801 University Street
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3A 2B4
e-mail: alberto at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tel: (450) 677-0458

Participating in projects involving (but not limited to) any of the following areas and/or technologies:
UNIX/Linux-C/C++, Perl, 4GLs, Java, GUI development, Design Patterns, Parallel Programming  

February 1996 - December 2004
Clinical Trial and Research Support-Programmer,
Montreal Neurological Institute
Brain Imaging Center

Participated in the successful completion of several clinical trials
Performed a wide spectrum of tasks  including the processing and management of large amounts of MRI images and the image information database
In collaboration with others developed RPPL: a prototype Perl application for the configuration and execution of data-parallel image processing pipelines
Developed and effective Direct Manipulation GUI/C++ solution for a generalization of the above problem of building, running and monitoring multiple image-processing. This solution conforms to both, the complex demands of large-scale clinical trials and the demands of a multi-user, multi-center environment. The solution relies on Unidraw (GoF), GraphDraw and on other layers built on top of these for this purpose.
Miscellaneous duties included the development of a number of Perl utilities for the day-to-day operations such as installation and update of several software packages, data backup/recovery operations,  download of images from DICOM server, MRI image quality inspection, assembly of MINC images from other format (DICOM, Analyze) with the help of several of the MINC utilities available at the BIC. Additionally, performed CVS duties related to software version and configuration control.


During the completion of the Comp. Sc. degree worked on various projects:
EARTH project: a novel architecture and its multi-threading environment for exploiting fine-grain parallelism. My role was the porting of a benchmark (Paraffins) and the analysis of its behavior in this environment leading to important bug fixes and a better understanding of the architectural trade-offs

Micro-computers project: Implementation of microprocessor simulator on C++. Some advanced microprocessor features were also implemented (e.g. pipeline stalls). The original goal was to develop a general and flexible framework for developing RISC simulators

September 1992 - February 1996
Received a M.Sc. degree on Computer Science from McGill University, Montreal

September 1982 - June 1988
Received a B.Sc. degree on Mathematics and Informatics from  Kossuth Lajos University, Hungary

Appreciate suggestions, discussions and the team spirit but possess strong problem solving skills and autonomy. 
Speak/Write English, Spanish, Hungarian and speak French

Canadian citizen available to start working immediately.

Prof. Alan C. Evans, Brain Imaging Center
e-mail: alan at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tel: (514) 398-8926

Alex P. Zijdenbos, Ph.D. Clinical-Trial Research Scientist
e-mail: alex at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tel: (514) 398-5220

Brain Imaging Center, Montreal Neurological Institute
3801 University Street
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3A 2B4
e-mail: alberto at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tel: (514) 677-0458

Participation in projects involving several of the following areas and/or technologies:
UNIX/Linux-C/C++, GUI development, Design Patterns, Perl, 4GLs, Parallel Programming  

September 1992 - February 1996
Received a M.Sc. degree on Computer Science from McGill University,

September 1982 - June 1988
Received a B.Sc. degree on Mathematics and Cybernetics from  Kossuth Lajos University, Hungary

February 1996 - Present
Clinical Trial and Research Support-Programmer, 
Brain Imaging Center

Participated in the successful completion of several clinical trials
Performed a wide spectrum of tasks  including the processing and management of large amounts of MRI images and the image information database
In collaboration with others developed "RPPL": a prototype Perl application for the configuration and execution of data-parallel image processing pipelines
Developed and effective GUI/C++ solution for the general problem of building, running and monitoring multiple image-processing conforming equally with the demands of large-scale clinical trials and with the demands of a multi-user, multi-center setting 
Miscellaneous duties included the development of a number of Perl-script utilities for the day-to-day operations; installation and update of several software packages; data backup/recovery operations; download of images from DICOM server and image quality inspection; assembly of MINC images from DICOM and Analyze formats by using several of the minc utilities available at the BIC; some CVS related duties


During the completion of the Comp. Sc. degree worked on various projects:
EARTH project: a novel architecture and its multi-threading environment for exploiting fine-grain parallelism. My role was the porting of a benchmark (Paraffins) and the analysis of its behavior in this environment leading to important bug fixes and a better understanding of the architectural trade-offs

Micro-computers project: Implementation of microprocessor simulator on C++. Some advanced microprocessor features were also implemented (e.g. pipeline stalls). The original goal was to develop a general and flexible framework for developing RISC simulators

Strong problem solving skills
Appreciate suggestions and input from colleagues
Capable of working alone
Speak/Write English, Spanish, Hungarian and speak French

Canadian citizen available to start working as of February 1st

Prof. Alan C. Evans, Brain Imaging Center
e-mail: alan at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tel: (514) 398-8926

Alex P. Zijdenbos, Ph.D. Clinical-Trial Research Scientist
e-mail: alex at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tel: (514) 398-5220

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