[BIC-announce] Concordia Dept. of Psyc. Colloquium- The brain theatre: principles of cortical organization

Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Fri Mar 31 11:24:50 EST 2006

DATE;  April 27, 2006

TIME:   4:10 P.M.

PLACE:  Loyola Campus - LOY SP-365.01


Speaker:  Rafael Malach, Dept. of Neurobiology, Weizman Institute,
Rehovot, Israel


Title:  The brain theatre:  principles of cortical organization


Host:  Shimon Amir


For further information, please call 848-2424 ext. 2220 or 7565




Jennifer Chew

McConnell Brain Imaging Centre

MNI - WB317

3801 University Street

Montreal, Qc  H3A 2B4

Telephone:  514-398-8554

Fax:  514-398-2975


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