[BIC-announce] Memo from Dr. J-P Soucy

Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Thu Jan 12 15:55:09 EST 2006

TO : All PET users, BIC

 From : Jean-Paul Soucy, PET Unit Co-ordinator

Hi everyone.
Well, the New Year is definitely underway, and I'd like to take this
opportunity to offer every one my best wishes for 2006 ... and also to
sneak in a few reminders and news.  Please take a few moments to read
this (at least, see item 3)

1)      The microPET system, mostly thanks to the tremendous efforts of
Andrew Goertzen and Pedro Rosa, is now completely functional.  In fact,
it has even found a home: renovations are starting soon on "The Wedge"
so that the camera can be housed there (for those using the computers in
there, don't worry: they'll be relocated to a convenient place).
Therefore, if anyone has a project that would involve PET imaging in
small animals, you can contact Andrew, Pedro or myself for details on
how to proceed.  You will in fact see that on the (soon to be revamped)
booking page of the BIC, a section will be dedicated to the microPET

2)      We also now have a functional HPLC system in place for those who
would need to perform metabolite(s) correction, or specific activity
measurements, in the context of upcoming PET projects (including those
on the microPET).  Again, please contact Andrew or Pedro for more
information on this.

3)      Now, for the "nasty" part of the message.  The Nuclear Medicine
technologists of the PET Unit have reported that there have been of late
a series of incidents involving certain research teams where: i) PET
requisition forms have not been completed; ii) Subjects were left
unattended by investigators while at the PET Unit; iii) Investigators
have been showing up late for their planned sessions.
All of these are unacceptable: First, the technologists are not expected
to complete forms for investigators, and an administrative surcharge of
$100 will be imposed to the investigator if forms are not completed at
the time of a scanning session.  Second, technologists are not
responsible for the patients while they (the patients) are not being
scanned, and therefore will not supervise them.  The investigator will
be contacted if such an incident occurs, and a second incident will lead
to suspension of scanning on that protocol.  Finally, please remember
that the time indicated as the beginning of a scanning slot is the time
at which scanning is expected to begin, not that at which people are
supposed to arrive at the PET Unit.  Technologists have been told to
simply cancel a session (which will nevertheless be charged to the
investigator) if a late arrival jeopardizes the rest of the schedule for
that day.

Thanks for your attention,

Jean-Paul Soucy


Jennifer Chew

McConnell Brain Imaging Centre

Montreal Neurological Institute

Room WB317

3801 University Street

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

H3A 2B4

Tel:  (514) 398-8554

Fax:  (514) 398-2975


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