[BIC-announce] Today's BIC seminar

Alain Dagher alain.dagher at mcgill.ca
Mon Dec 11 09:35:59 EST 2006

Today’s speaker, Pierre Orban, did his Ph.D. in the group of Peigneux  
and Maquet in Belgium. This group has done really interesting work on  
brain activity during sleep and its role in learning and memory.  
Pierre has shown that activity in brain areas involved in learning  
persists immediately after a training period, and that this  
contributes to memory consolidation. More recently he has observed  
this phenomenon in a patient suffering from amnesia due to bilateral  
hippocampal damage. He has also shown changes in functional  
connectivity of hippocampus and striatum occurring during sleep,  
which contribute to enhanced performance on a spatial navigation task.

Pierre's recent papers in PNAS and PLoS Biology:



See you there.

Alain Dagher, MD
Associate Professor
Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University

3801 University St
Montreal QC
Canada H3A 2B4
tel: (514) 398-1726
fax: (514) 398-8948
alain at bic.mni.mcgill.ca

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