[BIC-announce] Allen Tannenbaum Colloquium - Sept. 9th, MC13, 15:30 to 16:30

Kaleem Siddiqi siddiqi at cim.mcgill.ca
Tue Sep 6 09:24:30 EDT 2005

Dear Colleagues,

Allen Tannenbaum's colloquium (originally scheduled for last term) will 
be given
this Friday at 15:30 pm in McConnell 13. The colloquium will be 
followed by a
reception in MC 321. The talk is of broad interest to computer 
scientists, engineers
and mathematicians interested in medical imaging. Details are under:

I would be grateful if you could forward this announcement to those who 
might be interested.
Best Regards,


Kaleem Siddiqi										
School of Computer Science & Centre For Intelligent Machines
McGill University

Allen Tannenbaum, Georgia Tech
  Methods for Segmentation and Registration of Medical Imagery

Abstract: We will describe some recent work on two key problems in 
medical imagery: segmentation and registration. We will also describe 
controlled active vision techniques for image guided surgery and 
  The underlying method is based on certain flows which give rise to 
(nonlinear) geometric equations which are invariant with respect to a 
given transformation group action. We will provide some relevant 
results from the theory of curve and surface evolution, and show how 
these may be used for a number of areas in computer vision and image 
processing, such as image enhancement, optical flow, registration image 
segmentation, shape theory, and invariant scale-spaces. We will 
demonstrate these techniques with a wide variety of medical images 
including MR, CT, and ultrasound.
  The talk is designed to be accessible to a general audience with an 
interest in medical imaging.
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