[BIC-announce] FW:SYMPOSIUM - Polymicrogyria Syndromes and Epilepsy

Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Mon Nov 21 09:34:47 EST 2005




Dear Colleague:


I am attaching a poster of our Symposium entitled "Polymicrogyria Syndromes and Epilepsy", which I hope that you can distribute to your department.


A copy of the program and a covering letter giving all the details has previously been sent to you, and I am attaching these again for your information.


I would appreciate it very much if these could be distributed as widely as possible, so that people who might be interested will have a chance to attend.


Thank you in advance for your help.


Sincerely yours, 

Eva Andermann, MD, Ph.D., FCCMG
Director, Neurogenetics Unit
Montreal Neurological Hospital and Institute;
Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery and
Human Genetics,
McGill University
Tel:       514-398-8529
Fax:      514-398-1276
Email:            eva.andermann at mcgill.  <mailto:eva.andermann at mcgill. >  







Thursday, December 1, 2005

8:30 am to 6:00 pm
Montreal Neurological Hospital & Institute

Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre

All Welcome!



INFO: Marilyn Reed (514) 398-8529, or Faye Rourke-Frew (514) 739-5419, Email: eva.andermann at mcgill.ca <mailto:eva.andermann at mcgill.ca> 


Supported by: Pfizer, France, and Pfizer, USA


 Lunch & refreshments will be served





Montreal Neurological Hospital & Institute

Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre

Montreal, December 1st, 2005


Introductory Session

Chairpersons: E. Andermann & P. Kahane



8h30-8h45:      Welcome:   John Robson, Associate Director for Scientific Affairs,  Montreal           

                          Neurological Institute

 David Rosenblatt, Chairman, Department of Human

Genetics, McGill University


8h45-8h55:      Frederick Andermann (McGill University) 

           Historical introduction


8h55-9h15:      A. James Barkovich (University of California at San Francisco)

  A developmental and genetic classification for malformations of  cortical development


9h15-9h35:      Christopher Walsh (Harvard University)

                        Molecular genetics of the developing brain


9h35-9h55:      Jeff Golden (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)

Pathological subtypes of polymicrogyria and brain development


9h55-10h15:   Eva Andermann (McGill University) 

Genetics of the polymicrogyria syndromes


10h15-10h30: Discussion


10h30-10h50: Coffee break



Characterization and Genetics of Specific PMG Syndromes

Chairpersons: F. Andermann & C. Walsh


10h50-11h10:  Eva Andermann (McGill University)

                         Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP)


11:10-11h25:  Laurent Villard (Université La Timone, Marseille)

                         Linkage of bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP) to chrXq28


11h25-11h45:  Renzo Guerrini (University of Pisa)

Bilateral frontal polymicrogyria (BFP) and bilateral parieto-occipital   polymicrogyria (BPOP)


11h45-12h05:  Bernard Chang (Harvard University)

                         Bilateral fronto-parietal polymicrogyria (BFPP) and generalized             polymicrogyria


12h05-12h20:  Xianhua Piao (Harvard University)

                         The GFR56 gene



12h20-12h40:  William B. Dobyns (University of Chicago)

                         Chromosomal abnormalities and other malformations associated with PMG


12h40-13h00:  Discussion


13h00-14h00:  LUNCH



Clinical and Radiological Aspects of PMG

  Chairpersons: R. Kuzniecky & A. J. Barkovich



14h00-14h20: Richard Leventer (University of Melbourne)

                        William B. Dobyns (University of Chicago)

                        Epidemiological aspects of PMG


14h20-14h40: A. James Barkovich (University of California at San Francisco)

Neuroimaging of polymicrogyria


14h40-15h00: Renzo Guerrini (University of Pisa)

                        PMG and epilepsy


15h00-15h20: An Jansen (McGill University & University of Antwerp)

Cognitive and developmental language disorders in PMG syndromes 


15h20-15h35: Discussion


15h35-15h55: Coffee break


Pathophysiological and Treatment Aspects of PMG

                      Chairpersons: A. Olivier & P. Plouin



15:55-16:15:   William B. Dobyns (University of Chicago)

Pathophysiological mechanisms of polymicrogyria: Genetic and environmental factors


16h15-16h35:  Reuben Kuzniecky (New York University)

                        Cortical reorganization in polymicrogyria


16h35-16h55:  François Dubeau (McGill University)

                        Epileptogenesis in polymicrogyric cortex


16h55-17h10:  Eliane Kobayashi and Jean Gotman (McGill University)

                        EEG-fMRI in polymicrogyria


17h10-17h30:  Francine Chassoux (Paris)

                        Intralesional recordings and epileptogenic zone in focal polymicrogyria


17h30-17h50:  Frederick Andermann and Andre Olivier (McGill University)                                                       Perisylvian polymicrogyria: a surgically remediable syndrome?


17h50-18h10:  Discussion 


18h10              Eva Andermann and Frederick Andermann (McGill University)

                        Concluding remarks





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