Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Mon Nov 7 10:07:22 EST 2005


This symposium will be held on December 1st. at the Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre of the Montreal Neurological Hospital and Institute. I believe that the program is scientifically excellent, and includes all the important scientists in the field.  This meeting is truly international, with speakers from France, Brazil, Australia, Italy, the US and Canada.


If you have any questions in the next couple of weeks, you can email me or call my Admin Secretary, Marilyn Reed at 514-398-8529. 


Looking forward to seeing you. 



Sincerely yours,



Eva Andermann, MD, Ph.D., FCCMG

Director, Neurogenetics Unit

Montreal Neurological Hospital and Institute;


Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery and

Human Genetics,

McGill University


Tel:      514-398-8529

Fax:     514-398-1276

Email:            eva.andermann at mcgill.ca <mailto:eva.andermann at mcgill.ca> 



Montreal, December 1st, 2005


Introductory Session

Chairpersons: E. Andermann & P. Kahane



8h30-8h45:    Welcome:   John Robson, Associate Director for Scientific Affairs,  Montreal           

                          Neurological Institute

 David Rosenblatt, Chairman, Department of Human

Genetics, McGill University


8h45-8h55:    Frederick Andermann (McGill University) 

              Historical introduction


8h55-9h15:    A. James Barkovich (University of California at San Francisco)

      A developmental and genetic classification for malformations of  cortical development


9h15-9h35:    Christopher Walsh (Harvard University)

          Molecular genetics of the developing brain


9h35-9h55:    Jeff Golden (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)

Pathological subtypes of polymicrogyria and brain development


9h55-10h15:   Eva Andermann (McGill University) 

Genetics of the polymicrogyria syndromes


10h15-10h30: Discussion


10h30-10h50: Coffee break



Characterization and Genetics of Specific PMG Syndromes

Chairpersons: F. Andermann & C. Walsh


10h50-11h10: Eva Andermann (McGill University)

          Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP)


11:10-11h25:  Laurent Villard (Université La Timone, Marseille)

          Linkage of bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP) to chrXq28


11h25-11h45:  Renzo Guerrini (University of Pisa)

Bilateral frontal polymicrogyria (BFP) and bilateral parieto-occipital   polymicrogyria (BPOP)


11h45-12h05: Bernard Chang (Harvard University)

                        Bilateral fronto-parietal polymicrogyria (BFPP) and generalized      polymicrogyria


12h05-12h20:  Xianhua Piao (Harvard University)

           The GFR56 gene


12h20-12h40:  William B. Dobyns (University of Chicago)

           Chromosomal abnormalities and other malformations associated with PMG


12h40-13h00:  Discussion


13h45-14h00:  LUNCH



Clinical and Radiological Aspects of PMG

  Chairpersons: R. Kuzniecky & A. J. Barkovich



14h00-14h20: Richard Leventer (University of Melbourne)

          William B. Dobyns (University of Chicago)

          Epidemiological aspects of PMG


14h2-14h40:   A. James Barkovich (University of California at San Francisco)

Neuroimaging of polymicrogyria


14h40-15h00: Renzo Guerrini (University of Pisa)

          PMG and epilepsy


15h00-15h20: An Jansen (McGill University & University of Antwerp)

Cognitive and developmental language disorders in PMG syndromes 


15h20-15h35:  Discussion


15h35-15h55:  Coffee break



Pathophysiological and Treatment Aspects of PMG

                      Chairpersons: A. Olivier & P. Plouin



15:55-16:15:  William B. Dobyns (University of Chicago)

Pathophysiological mechanisms of polymicrogyria: Genetic and environmental factors


16h15-16h35:  Reuben Kuzniecky (New York University)

          Cortical reorganization in polymicrogyria


16h35-16h55:  François Dubeau (McGill University)

          Epileptogenesis in polymicrogyric cortex


16h55-17h10:  Eliane Kobayashi and Jean Gotman (McGill University)

          EEG-fMRI in polymicrogyria


17h10-17h30:  Francine Chassoux (Paris)

          Intralesional recordings and epileptogenic zone in focal polymicrogyria


17h30-17h50:  Andre Palmini (Porto Alegre)

          Perisylvian polymicrogyria: a surgically remediable syndrome?


17h50-18h10:  Discussion 


18h10         Eva Andermann and Frederick Andermann (McGill University)

          Concluding remarks





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