[BIC-announce] PET Scan Time Available for Trade

Shahin Zangenehpour shahin at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tue Nov 1 08:30:07 EST 2005

Good morning,

I have a PET scan slot for a water bolus study on Friday November 4  
from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM. If anyone has a slot in late November/early  
December that can be traded for this one, please reply ASAP.

Many thanks,

Shahin Zangenehpour, PhD    Postdoctoral Fellow   |   Montreal  
Neurological Institute   |   Cognitive Neuroscience Unit
3801 University Street   |   Room 276  |  Montréal   QC   Canada    
H3A 2B4  |   P.  514  398  1717  |  F.  514  398  1338

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