[BIC-announce] Rachid Deriche Talk: 11 am, Thursday July 7th, MC 437

Kaleem Siddiqi siddiqi@cim.mcgill.ca
Thu, 30 Jun 2005 09:59:21 -0400

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Dear Colleagues,
Rachid Deriche and his graduate students will be visiting
us next week to discuss their research in the area of Diffusion MRI =20
Rachid will be giving a formal talk, which is intended for a general =20
I would be grateful if you could advertise this to any colleagues that =20=

I may have missed.

Best Regards,

Kaleem Siddiqi									=
School of Computer Science & Centre For Intelligent Machines
McGill University


Time and Place: 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, McConnell Engineering, Room 437
Title: "Diffusion MRI : Estimation, Regularization, Segmentation and =20
Fiber tracking"
Speaker:   Rachid Deriche
		Responsable permanent du projet Odyss=E9e
                    En charge des relations internationales pour l'UR de =
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging probes and quantifies the =20
anisotropic diffusion of water molecules in biological tissues,
making it possible to non-invasively infer the architecture of the =20
underlying structures. In this talk, I will present the recent
variational approaches we developped for the robust estimation and =20
regularization of diffusion tensor images (DTI) as well as a novel =20
framework for the segmentation of cerebral white matter structures from =20=

this type of dataset. Applications to fiber tracking and apparent =20
coefficient estimation from HARDI data will also be discussed and =20
illustrated at the end of the talk by Christophe Lenglet and Maxime =20


Kaleem Siddiqi									=
School of Computer Science & Centre For Intelligent Machines
McGill University

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Dear Colleagues,

Rachid Deriche and his graduate students will be visiting

us next week to discuss their research in the area of Diffusion MRI

Rachid will be giving a formal talk, which is intended for a general

I would be grateful if you could advertise this to any colleagues that
I may have missed.

Best Regards,

<color><param>807F,0000,807F</param>Kaleem Siddiqi				=

School of Computer Science & Centre For Intelligent Machines

McGill University




Time and Place: 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, McConnell Engineering, Room 437

Title: "Diffusion MRI : Estimation, Regularization, Segmentation and
Fiber tracking"

Speaker:   Rachid Deriche

		Responsable permanent du projet Odyss=E9e

                   En charge des relations internationales pour l'UR
de Sophia


Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging probes and quantifies the
anisotropic diffusion of water molecules in biological tissues,

making it possible to non-invasively infer the architecture of the
underlying structures. In this talk, I will present the recent

variational approaches we developped for the robust estimation and
regularization of diffusion tensor images (DTI) as well as a novel

framework for the segmentation of cerebral white matter structures
from this type of dataset. Applications to fiber tracking and apparent

coefficient estimation from HARDI data will also be discussed and
illustrated at the end of the talk by Christophe Lenglet and Maxime


<color><param>8080,0000,8080</param>Kaleem Siddiqi				=

School of Computer Science & Centre For Intelligent Machines

McGill University


