From cchappel at Fri Oct 4 17:47:37 2024 From: cchappel at (Chappell, Chad) Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 21:47:37 +0000 Subject: [Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 10/4/2024 Message-ID: <> ? ? IBIS Week In Review 10/4/2024 IBIS Annual Meeting Info Remote meeting 11/14-15/2024 Details TBD In-Person Meeting 2025 Pencil in 5/29-30/2025, will confirm soon. Location TBD, likely UMN IBIS DS The U01 project kickoff meeting was this week. A few pertinent items: - There is a planned 1-year start-up for common protocol development and setting up the IRB, followed by data collection year 2. - Heather and Natasha have been asked to send a list of names for folks involved in this next phase of protocol development. As a start, we will share names of data collection site PIs and those leading neuroimaging protocols. If there are others who would like to be included, or if site PIs know of others to include from their site, please let Natasha and Heather know by Monday. IBIS EP Data Lock Sites should continue to work toward the uploading and final cleaning of all data before the planned data lock. New priority Bx measures have been identified for this lock: DSM-5 CBE checklists DSM-IV-TR CBE checklists Bayley scores Vineland scores The data lock will occur: OCTOBER 5, 2024 There will be time for data cleaning after this date. There will likely be another data lock in the future, once more v24 subject are seen. IBIS Internship Recruitment for next summer's IBIS summer internship is ramping up. Reach out to Kate if you want to talk about a potential intern-mentor match. Have a super weekend everyone! Chad -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cchappel at Fri Oct 18 17:46:22 2024 From: cchappel at (Chappell, Chad) Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 21:46:22 +0000 Subject: [Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 10/11 & 18/2024 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> IBIS Week In Review 10/11 & 18/2024 IBIS Annual Meeting Info 2024 Remote meeting 11/14-15/2024 1:00-4:00(est) each day Please send Joe and Chad your meeting agenda ideas. Current ideas: Publications over the year or analyses planned for publication - all are welcome Grouped thematic sections, organized by theme. -Currently ideas we have: Diagnostic Instability; DS; Language 2025 In-Person Meeting 5/29-30/2025 Location: UMN ACE-Wide Trainee Event ACE-wide trainee event (feat. Kate and Mark Shen-flyer attached) on 11/7: We are excited to announce our first cross-ACE virtual event for trainees. This will be a career panel discussion with panelists representing different ASD career paths: social work, neuroscience, clinical psychology, bioethics, and psychiatry. This event is open to trainees (undergrad/grad students, research assistants, post-docs) at all affiliated ACE institutions. Please forward this announcement widely and encourage your trainees to attend. We are hoping for a good showing so that we can motivate future events like this! IBIS Family News -Jessica has welcomed her baby boy, Remy, to the Girault family. We are so happy for you Jessica! Adorable pic attached. -Sadly for IBIS, Lacy Cheers is leaving the UW site. We will miss you very much, and we thank you for all you have done for IBIS over the years. Lacy?s last day will be 10/25 - please reach out before then if you have any lingering items for her. IBIS Publication Jessica has been incredibly busy! Not only did she welcome her precious son over the last week, but she also managed to have an editorial published in JAMA Psychiatry. Development of Sensory Regions vs the Rest of the Cortex in Autism Congratulations on all fronts Jessica! IBIS Internship -Applications for the internship in summer 2025 will open in January. I have attached the program description below?as a reminder, we want mentor-trainee pairs to apply together for this opportunity to ensure that there is a strong mentorship commitment. You can apply with a trainee you already know, or even better?circulate the program description to reach URM undergraduates at your or neighboring institutions. There is still time to develop a plan with a trainee who is new to you, and we very much want this to be an opportunity to increase participation amongst students who might not otherwise be able to engage in research. Mentors will also receive a stipend to support their efforts in encouraging the next generation of IDD/ASD researchers. -Any ideas for additional funding to support additional summer interns? Joe and Kate are hoping to be able to expand our internship offerings to provide multiple funded slots each year (we currently have budget for 1-2 students each year of the adolescent grant). If you have any ideas of other potential sources of funding to support this program, please email Kate and Joe. Have an incredible weekend everyone! Chad [cid:722c66d3-5032-4bac-942f-58b1dfcb1f62 at] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: IMG_8021.jpeg Type: image/jpeg Size: 94460 bytes Desc: IMG_8021.jpeg URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: IBIS Summer Internship Program .pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 62780 bytes Desc: IBIS Summer Internship Program .pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ACE Trainee Event Autism Career Pathways Panel [47].pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 971553 bytes Desc: ACE Trainee Event Autism Career Pathways Panel [47].pdf URL: From cchappel at Fri Oct 25 18:08:23 2024 From: cchappel at (Chappell, Chad) Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 22:08:23 +0000 Subject: [Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 10/25/2024 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> IBIS Week In Review 10/25/2024 IBIS Annual Meeting Info 2024 Remote meeting 11/14-15/2024 1:00-4:00(est) each day Please send Joe and Chad your meeting agenda ideas. Current ideas: Publications over the year or analyses planned for publication - all are welcome Grouped thematic sections, organized by theme. -Currently ideas we have: Diagnostic Instability; DS; Language 2025 In-Person Meeting 5/29-30/2025 Location: UMN IBIS EC Approvals John & Savanna A Pilot Study of Autism Polygenic Risk Scores and fcMRI Networks We wanted to see if our fcMRI enrichment approach showed any signal for ASD-associated genetic loading in specific functional networks. We may be under-powered, but Heather Volk?s group has PRS scores now on a number of our subjects, and some of us have been chatting about this on various recent calls. Again, this is a pilot test. If things look promising, we will move to a more formal stage and invite those who may be interested to join a working group. Jed & Chimei Exploring cultural differences in parental views on autistic characteristics: A comparative study of the United States and Taiwan This initial proposal is to focus on the SRS across cultural samples. BUT, there is also brain imaging data in the Taiwanese sample and we will be exploring opportunities on that front in the near future ? more specifically, Chimei and I are thinking/talking about writing a data-analysis R21 to examine brain morphometry across samples (but we need more info the nature of the imaging data from Taiwan). IBIS Genetics Data For any publications resulting from saliva collection stored or processed at the UNC Bio Processing Lap, please include the following acknowledgement. This will also be added as a note in the Authorship Matrix. ?Nucleic acid extractions and/or sample processing and storage were performed by the University of North Carolina BioSpecimen Processing Facility (RRID: SCR_021290), supported in part by NCI Cancer Center Support Grant 5P30CA016086-46 and the NIEHS UNC Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility Center grant 5P30ES010126" Have a super awesome weekend everyone! Chad -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: