[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 6/21/2024

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Jun 21 17:40:57 EDT 2024

IBIS Week In Review

IBIS Imaging Data Availability Update
-If you would like access to any of the below files, please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/r/Ay4pV8iMXF

The following imaging measures are available to download from LORIS:
-vSA (IBIS and DS):
-DTI measures, including DTI metrics (fiber averages, fiber profiles, and parameterized fiber tracts). The most recent data set includes both Siemens and CMRR DTI sequences. Total number of data sets = 127 CMRR, 223 Siemens.
 -Updated volumetric measures: subcortical and lateral ventricle volumes, total brain and tissue volumes, cerebrum volumes, and eaCSF volumes.  Please be aware that we discovered some minor errors in the processing that need to be corrected, which will in turn update some of these volumes. However, what we have now are okay to use (new results will be better and slightly different, but the differences are minor enough that these measures are not "wrong" as is). Total number of subjects within this data set = 296.

-Infant (EP and Infant DS)
-DTI measures, including DTI metrics (fiber averages, fiber profiles, and parameterized fiber tracts). Total number of subjects within this data set = 126.

IBIS Executive Committee
-Estes: "Sleep and Academic Achievement in School-Age Children with High and Low Familial Likelihood of Autism”
 Maya Khanna, a former IBIS RA at CHOP and now mentored by Annette, will evaluate the connection between sleep problems and academic achievement in our school-age cohort.'
-Girault: 'ORIGINs secondary analysis proposal
The overall goal is to assess relationships between maternal depression and infant functional connectivity. The project is lead by a team at the University of Capetown, in collaboration with Wei Gao and Rebecca Knickmeyer.

Have an awesome weekend everyone!!!!


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