[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 2/2/2024

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Feb 2 17:25:01 EST 2024

IBIS Week In Review

IBIS Network Executive Committee
Project Approved: Exploring Heterogeneity of Neuropsychological Functions and its Associations with White Matter Integrity in Children with Down Syndrome
Lead:  Alice Hahn (Johns Hopkins University)/Heather Volk (Johns Hopkins University)
IBIS Collaborators: Dea Garic, Rebecca Grzadzinski, Heather Cody Hazlett.
Alice Hahn, a graduate student in Dr. Heather Volk’s lab at Johns Hopkins University has developed this proposal as part of her dissertation, which will be examining neuropsychological functions and their associations with white matter integrity in school-age children with Down Syndrome.

IBIS Covid Time Point in LORIS
The IBIS Behavioral committee, the DCC, along with the IBIS-SRRC is reviewing the best way for PPE to be tracked in LORIS for queries.  For now, we wanted to reiterate the IBIS Covid time point policy:
The Covid time point (v24-CVD, vADOL-CVD, etc.) should be used in Loris if PPE was worn by either the clinician or the subject during any of the behavioral data collection.  The ‘visit level information’ sheet in Loris should also be completed, which gathers instrument level data on how the PPE was utilized.

Have an incredible weekend everyone!!


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