[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 4/19&26/2024

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Apr 26 18:03:13 EDT 2024

IBIS Week In Review

IBIS Network News
Madison Booth received the Gatlinburg Conference John D. Borkowski Diversity Travel Award for the conference.
Congratulations Madison!!!  I hear your talk, and the other IBIS talks, went extremely well!

IBIS Executive Committee
Prediction of Autism Severity Scores from Functional Connectomes.  A presentation at UNC psychiatry department’s research day using John's IBIS 1 & 2 fMRI data.

From infancy to school-age: how do home environment factors impact cognitive development? hoping to extend our previous LENA work by incorporating school age language skills.  This will be a dissertation.

We have shared our low-likelihood IBIS1 and IBIS2 neuroimaging data, along with basic demographics and some cognitive behavioral data (Mullen, CBCL) with the ENIGMA ORIGINS workgroup. We have now been asked to additionally share IBQ data for these participants.

Use of parent neuropsychiatric trait data and analyzing this in relation to infant and school-age cognitive and behavioral features using both IBIS-1/2 (and IBIS-EP data, depending on availability).  This will be a dissertation.

Changes approved for the project "6-month Visual/Salience Network Functional Connectivity “:
-We will run aim 1 and aim 2 in IBIS 1 and 2 six-month subjects using the same EXP62 analyses (with substitute, comparable variables – e.g., Mullen scores in place of Bayley scores).
-We would also like to change the following: “Aim 1”: Among IBIS 1 and 2 six-month subjects, we will use SMI.

Ashley Song, junior faculty part of Heather's lab, would like to submit for in internal JHU junior faculty support pilot to build on the environment work we’ve done with IBIS.BIS EP subjects, we will use SMQ instead of SMI.

Have an amazing weekend everyone!


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