[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 5_19_2023

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri May 19 17:44:11 EDT 2023

IBIS Week In Review

IBIS Network
Site Mask Policy UPDATE
CHOP has moved to mask not required for both SUBJECTS and CLINICIANs.

The IBIS SA IRB renewal for 2023-24 has been approved.  The approval letter has been uploaded to the LORIS Doc Repository.
Root>IBIS-SA IRB Document>IBIS-SA Approval Letters>unc_IRB_ViewLetter_709909.pdf

DS exclusion change
Gestational Diabetes Requiring Medication is now considered exclusionary.
The exclusion criteria list has been updated to reflect this change and it is worded as such on the new Infant DS TSI (forthcoming).

Please see the photo below of Casey repping the IBIS SA fcMRI poster!  The accolades keep pouring in for the IBIS INSAR folks!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


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