[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 2_3_2023

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Feb 3 17:41:33 EST 2023

IBIS Week In Review

The visit windows have been revised and approved going forward.
Here are the windows to be used for EP and LL Control subject visits:
v06 OPTIMAL WINDOW (-1 weeks/+3 weeks)    v06 PERMITTED WINDOW (-2 weeks/+8 weeks)
v12 OPTIMAL WINDOW (-1 weeks/+3 weeks)    v12 PERMITTED WINDOW (-2 weeks/+8 weeks)
v24 OPTIMAL WINDOW (-1 weeks/+3 weeks)    v24 PERMITTED WINDOW (-4 weeks/+8 weeks)

Executive Committee
A project has been approved for a proposal from Dea Garic, examining advanced white matter metrics from NODDI and HARDI in IBIS school-age kids with Down Syndrome and ASD.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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