[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 12/01/2023

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Dec 1 17:01:58 EST 2023

IBIS Week In Review

Carry forward approved.  Details and logistics to follow.

IBIS Executive Committee Approvals
Title: Association Between Extra-Axial CSF Volume in Infancy and ADHD Symptomatology at School-Age
A proposal evaluating EA-CSF volume in infancy and ADHD symptomatology at school-age.
Early results presented at a Vanderbilt research conference.

Title: Computational linguistic markers of social phenotype in the IBIS sample
A proposal to analyze nuanced aspects of communication using computational linguistic analysis of ADOS vocalizations/speech.
Details on video sharing plan TBD.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!


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