[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 8_25_2023

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Aug 25 17:37:52 EDT 2023

IBIS Week In Review

            IBIS Annual Meeting

                        The location of our upcoming IBIS Annual Meeting 2023 (11/2-3/2023 - Chicago) has been set:  InterContenental Hotel – Magnificent Mile.

                        Here is the Registration Link<https://forms.gle/s8mcdssqQqm6fPsw5> for the meeting.

We encourage you all to attend!!!


                              Justin Wolter has received a K award to extend the work of IBIS iPSCs.  Justin has moved from UNC to U of Wisconsin - Madison.

                        Congrats Justin!!!!


                        The No Cost Extension (NCE) has been officially approved.

                                    Sites will be contacted with the details.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


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