[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 5_27_2022

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri May 27 17:13:36 EDT 2022

IBIS Week In Review

-Jessica’s AJP paper published - press release is available here (UNC version)<https://news.unchealthcare.org/2022/05/visual-system-brain-development-implicated-in-infants-who-develop-autism?utm_source=Vital+Signs&utm_campaign=Vital+Signs+5-26-22&utm_medium=email>
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Executive Committee
-Proposal Accepted:
Jed Elison and Team:  Analysis of adaptive behavior development in HL, LL, DS, and FXS infant/toddlers in relation to Jed's sample of infants/toddlers with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum.

On May 20, 2022, at 3:44 PM, Chappell, Chad <cchappel at med.unc.edu<mailto:cchappel at med.unc.edu>> wrote:

IBIS Week In Review

-Jessica’s AJP paper will be published next week: 5/26/2022
Various press releases planned (UNC/WU, NICHD, IDDRC/AUCD network)
Feel free to share far and wide

-Spring IBIS Newsletter has been published
Share far and wide
LINK TO NEWSLETTER<https://ibis-network.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/IBIS-Newsletter-Spring-2022.pdf>

-NOA received!  Congrats Meghan!!

On May 13, 2022, at 4:36 PM, Chappell, Chad <cchappel at med.unc.edu<mailto:cchappel at med.unc.edu>> wrote:

IBIS Week In Review

-Zoe’s Paper is now online (spread the word!)
https://www.bpsgos.org/article/S2667-1743(21)00161-0/fulltext <https://www.bpsgos.org/article/S2667-1743(21)00161-0/fulltext>

-Software upgrades coming soon to IBIS Prisma scanners
  Human phantoms will be scheduled at UNC and UMN for pre and post upgrade, more if needed.

-John P to serve as a consultant on an Eagle’s Autism Challenge grant.
-John P’s lap to submit a June 5 R01 to develop precision fcMRI and probabilistic fcMRI network mapping for infants.  This will include analyses performed on 24 month IBIS fcMRI data.


On May 6, 2022, at 1:07 PM, cchappel at med.unc.edu<mailto:cchappel at med.unc.edu> wrote:

IBIS Week In Review

No big changes

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