[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Newsletter & 5/17 Recruitment Call

Gray, Daniel drgray at wustl.edu
Tue May 10 17:26:14 EDT 2022

Hi all,
We have IRB approvals on the IBIS Newsletter, which is attached.  Please disseminate this to families via email at your site as soon as you can (EP, School Age, and Infant DS).  Feel free to disseminate the newsletter in other ways that might bolster recruitment.

A reminder that our next recruitment call is Tuesday, May 17 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Central.   Please update the agenda with your site's recruitment totals.  Let me know if you have any particular agenda items.

Meeting Link: https://wustl-hipaa.zoom.us/j/92135972316
Link to Agenda/Recruitment Workgroup Folder<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NnySlzSvCNIldopJd4vLKJAfbc1H-uzt?usp=sharing>


Daniel Gray, MSW
Recruitment/Marketing Manager
Washington University School of Medicine

Infant Brain Imaging Study (IBIS)
Autism Early Prediction: https://ibis-network.com/infant/
Down Syndrome: www.dsstudies.com<http://www.dsstudies.com/>

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