[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 3_18_2022

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Mar 25 16:52:09 EDT 2022

IBIS Week In Review

-IBIS nationwide press release for recent publication:
- Shen (et al.): Subcortical Brain Development in Autism and Fragile X Syndrome: Evidence for Dynamic, Age- and Disorder-Specific Trajectories in Infancy in AJP
-UNC Press Release<https://news.unchealthcare.org/2022/03/scientists-identify-overgrowth-of-key-brain-structure-in-babies-who-later-develop-autism/>

-IBIS-EC Approval:
- Project Proposal (Burrows) Subgrouping within the VSA data based on clinically-relevant features

On Mar 18, 2022, at 5:09 PM, Chappell, Chad <cchappel at med.unc.edu<mailto:cchappel at med.unc.edu>> wrote:

IBIS Week In Review

-IBIS-EC Approval:
-Unstable Diagnosis Workgroup, headed up by Becca
-This new workgroup plans to look at unstable diagnoses in the IBIS dataset to 1) Create a formalized diagnostic impression through a review of all available information on each case, 2.) Generate ideas for a related manuscript, and 3) characterize first-time school-age ASD diagnosed females in our sample (aim associated with sex differences workgroup)
-Please let Becca know if you would like to be added to this workgroup.

On Mar 11, 2022, at 4:32 PM, Chappell, Chad <cchappel at med.unc.edu<mailto:cchappel at med.unc.edu>> wrote:

IBIS Week In Review

-Probands who are twins were confirmed to be non-exclusionary.
-New Eye Tracking calibration stimulus was implemented.

- LORIS: A delete button/feature was added to the DQT for saved queries.

-IBIS Executive Committee:
-Proposal Approved:  Caravella - cognitive trajectories to define subgroups in the HL sample.
-Will be presented on 3/23 IBIS Analysis Workgroup call.

On Mar 4, 2022, at 5:01 PM, Chappell, Chad <cchappel at med.unc.edu<mailto:cchappel at med.unc.edu>> wrote:

IBIS Week In Review

- Sleep Project:
-Expanded enrollment age to include down to 4 years old
-Waived assent of 4 to 6 years old
-Updated consent and assent forms to remove signature lines due to waived documentation of signed consent/assent
-Jessica's paper, "Brain imaging markers of inherited liability for autism implicate infant visual regions and pathways" has been accepted to The American Journal of Psychiatry!!!

-Archive of IBIS Week In Reviews, through Feb., uploaded to the LORIS Document Repository
-Root > IBIS Administrative Documents

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