[Ace-recruitment] [Ace-mri] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 1_14_2022

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Jan 28 17:04:13 EST 2022

IBIS Network - Week In Review
January 28, 2022

-Change in Inclusion Criteria for IBIS-EP and DS:
The IBIS Executive Committee voted to change the inclusion criteria for IBIS EP and Infant DS to state that at least one parent who is attending assessments (or completing phone interviews) must have self-reported proficiency in English AND that the child will have sufficient language exposure to participate in assessments administered in English. All parents in the study will be asked English proficiency questions.
A small group will (1) craft language proficiency questions, (2) create a short list of language exposure questionnaires to be presented to the BBC for vote, (3) recommend a minimum percentage of English language exposure.
-Clarification of IBIS-SA Inclusion and Recommendation for Authors
The IBIS Executive Committee voted to not exclude any IBIS School Age families based on languages spoken in the home. A review of the IBIS School Age IRB indicated that there is not inclusion/exclusion criteria around language spoken in the home. A note to authors of work using IBIS 1, 2, and School Age data- since we did not ask families to report what languages were spoken in the home we can not definitely say that English was the primary language. The IBIS Executive Committee recommended that a language exposure and language use measure be added to the IBIS School Age and IBIS Adolescent study (if funded).
A small group will work on creating a short list of language exposure/use questionnaires to be presented to the BBC for vote.

-Sleep Study:
UNC and Wash U have obtained IRB approval and have started to see children for the sleep study.

-Paper Accepted for Publication:
Mark Shen, et al.: Subcortical Brain Development in Autism and Fragile X Syndrome: Evidence for Dynamic, Age- and Disorder-Specific Trajectories in Infancy, The American Journal of Psychiatry

-The IBIS Executive Committee has approved the following Proposals:

BBL_EXP04_CSBS- a project following up on Shruthi’s paper on the development of social communication skills using the CSBS which is almost ready for submission. We aim to use the LR-Neg sample to look for white matter neural correlates of social communication. The project is being led by an undergraduate honors student in Meghan Swanson's lab with close supervision by Meghan and Shruthi.

BBL_EXP05_LENA_sMRI-  a project following up on a current paper that is in prep that found significant associations between caregiver speech using LENA and white matter fiber in the arcuate. This new project is being led by Kat, a MS student in Meghan Swanson's lab, who is also co-leading the white matter project. The initial goal is to take a hypothesis driven approach and see if we find significant association in surface area/cortical thickness regions that correspond to the areas of the brain where we see signal in white matter.

Support for a K Award Submission by Justin Wolter, a basic neuroscience post doc at UNC working with Jason Stein and Mark Zylka. Justin is submitting a K Award to work with Jason and Mark to examine how common genetic variation shapes the severity of hyperproliferation phenotypes caused by mutations in PTEN.

Prior weeks this month:

IBIS Network - Week In Review
January 21, 2022

-No changes this week

IBIS Network - Week In Review
January 14, 2022

-ELSI Interviews (SA and EP/Behavioral): ELSI and iPSC interviews have been discontinued.  No more referrals are needed for Kate at UW.

-EP IRB - Renewal approved 1/14/2022: No modifications

-Network Meeting: There will not be an IBIS Spring Meeting.  Hoping for Fall 2022.

-Infant Scans (EP and DS/MRI):  Two Siemens sandbags are now required to be used during scans to reduce vibration.  See image below for suggested orientation.

<Screen Shot 2022-01-14 at 1.08.05 PM.png>

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