[Ace-recruitment] IBIS EP & DS-Infant - Ethnicity & Race

Santiago Torres Gomez santiago.torres at mcin.ca
Mon Nov 22 10:25:00 EST 2021

Hello All,

Please find attached the 'Ethnicity' and 'Race' distribution for the EP &
DS-Infant cohorts. I separated the tables into 2 different tabs, one for
participants whose status are either 'Active', 'Active-Flagged' or
'Complete', and another tab including additional participants whose status
is either 'Inactive' or 'Withdrawn - Data can be used'.

In addition to these summary tables, you can also find a tab for each site
(including all of the above mentioned statuses).

Finally, included are additional tabs with the 'Ethnicity' and 'Race'
tables for all infant IBIS cohorts (per site and summary tables using
similar status inclusion as for the EP & DS-Infant tabs). Participants
whose status is 'Ineligible', 'Refused' or 'Withdrew Consent - Data cannot
be used' were not included in the tables.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns with the tables.

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