[Loris-dev] LORIS - Upload nifti and minc

Sridar Narayanan, Dr. sridar.narayanan at mcgill.ca
Mon Jan 25 17:16:05 EST 2021

Hi Cecile,

Just to clarify, many import issues seem to stem from problems with the implementation of dcm2mnc used by Loris. These DICOM files can be successfully converted to MINC and NifTI with other tools, and so we were wondering if it would be possible to import MRI data into Loris as MINC & NifTI files instead of importing the DICOMs. Alternatively, we could convert these files to BIDS and import that instead of DICOM. The important point is whether we can avoid importing DICOM for new scan/participant instances, but import only BIDS or MINC + NiFTI data and generate a new Loris ID from this. We are not asking about attaching a MINC or NifTI file to an existing record, which we know can be done (e.g. for label files associated with the images).



On Jan 25, 2021, at 5:01 PM, Cecile Madjar <cecile.madjar at mcin.ca<mailto:cecile.madjar at mcin.ca>> wrote:

Hi Alfredo,

I am a bit confused by your email. The two perl scripts I mentioned last week do not require the data to be organized in BIDS to insert them. Did you look into them?

Sorry, maybe I am missing something.


On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 3:45 PM Morales Pinzon, Alfredo <AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu<mailto:AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Hi Cecile,

Thank you for your answer. I am sorry I was not enough specific regarding what we are looking for. We are actually looking for a solution to avoid importing the “raw” images in minc and nifti images instead of DICOM. We are having a lot of issues importing DICOM (~1.700 visits with issues) and we want to explore options for uploading the original images (e.g., t1) using minc and nifti without them being in BIDS formar.

Do you have scripts for this?


On Jan 19, 2021, at 1:59 PM, Cecile Madjar <cecile.madjar at mcin.ca<mailto:cecile.madjar at mcin.ca>> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Alfredo,

Very sorry for the late reply. In short, yes, it is possible to do both.

It is possible to insert MINC files in LORIS by using the LORIS-MRI script called minc_insertion.pl<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1h8RHj_R4mnovi1vzHjXIG7OriE5SmwPXivIa6upEGgUmO0oyYw5rNJDqM2MdvPGvTNW0VgU36iIDos755qEXc2ZLdcGpGZQRfXLN_QGCSHqe5_pR8SPcRCLVkIkUT9JFyTm2tgFJomSHtiCakjIicPSDvv5QaC2BEX0O8gPHeY_UrixP8DhG29aU9BwThbmfsNCgJS9rWE8hkKiSJu3dXUWYZuz3SELo6A5cEG3a0urWWaEYKsL-uNUUQlpn-dLXHjrf4KywfR-f_8XtyxHIrA/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Faces%2FLoris-MRI%2Fblob%2Fmain%2FuploadNeuroDB%2Fminc_insertion.pl> in the uploadNeuroDB folder. If you run perl minc_insertion.pl<http://secure-web.cisco.com/13jgtqDYN7Gf_vgFThFhtlVEFqhsVru-JRquRrfzp92y9hcK9koGa9r9E_RCEHuDzqw9ZQq4eWBdGe5cbbKU8_yrxXgz98kTVTBySSdwUF3dgAiL6ls9glxHxeHwLfR-M9U6DLj3ePJR758eO7Ukl-KBwGCnH1TTfOmLDAPWxs4ABKnOnHa0AHFN4qsRIDO6BMvq5wK_o-G0mjUXNUyb7jkUjg-xsaAHbLYjZ1X15d3pWFi0jmNTPfm57PC77a41n7xp5Ae2Ji6UtzrGAczTtBg/http%3A%2F%2Fminc_insertion.pl> -h; you will see the explanation on how to run the script.

Regarding NIfTI files that are not in BIDS, you can use the LORIS-MRI script called imaging_non_minc_insertion.pl<https://secure-web.cisco.com/11rMDfTbsxeYelAro9qFHffjunl6PQySl-cFRkp1QAl_sinKZ_2ULH-80TnkR2omX6h5c78cX8Vvl4xgml5nGxkii9oOTjLtfmZO4NsBu-w2Dxh2E5l5p4rjx9RKrSRQak24h8B8rvl1sVWzkBe5qftWBHEd1FCLV4ptJPdCzV7xqJf3fMCIGfs77Mk6WCmGBhuL0FPSHDnWmRRvXzXAT5wH5eAUsHI3_2F8yAh25Hpvd-t9vttu-mAGU_XbLNQXQf2DNBFxGjThITPI2ptn38Q/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Faces%2FLoris-MRI%2Fblob%2Fmain%2FuploadNeuroDB%2Fimaging_non_minc_insertion.pl> in the same uploadNeuroDB folder. Running perl imaging_non_minc_insertion.pl<http://secure-web.cisco.com/1JUwbjz4V-PmM1LkrSIDPw4ydwAZ7otVSJadvo40dcrQMsYYfCLZsWRbpIcZwOZ3-TV3DyLARQX4Fp7-IHGmufed_LFzA0ah5UuJSegiZBGWQE9RiKXU6LxPe9xHqMfhyirSZF4zFetUaHoOtn5Pa9lFbV5o2FFI95zKG4NrmEX-HgUA_dMYmHrIFagQBzH_uujh-hUSiWM7Hvbf_d_KanWYNOrmkjAoe07MI18KuH0XsY5Gmhap81i-fVggYZHLthuCTL9_Dpky-ZNaeiyOlZw/http%3A%2F%2Fimaging_non_minc_insertion.pl> should give you all the information you need in order to run the script.

Hope this helps,


On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 3:28 PM Morales Pinzon, Alfredo <AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu<mailto:AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Dear LorisDev team,

Is is possible to upload nifti and minc files into LORIS, for instance to a given visit, without having the files in BIDS format?

Best regards,
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