[Loris-dev] LORIS Mondays assignment focus: testing and bug fixes for 22.0!!

Cecile Madjar cecile.madjar at mcin.ca
Fri Nov 1 16:07:59 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

Next week we will be focusing on finalizing the first round of testing for
22.0 and send bug fixes for release 22.0.

Below is the list of items with their assignments categorized in *1)
Testing* and *2) Issues to fix*.

If you still have not tested your assigned module, *please test them as a
priority on Monday!*

*1) Testing:*

A little reminder of the procedure for testing can be found in the
instructions column of the Testing 22.0 project of the LORIS repository
<https://github.com/aces/Loris/projects/19>. Please make sure to:

   - add the "22.0 TESTING" label to the issues and PRs created for the
   testing/bug fixes of 22.0
   - make sure to update the cards on the project Testing 22.0
   <https://github.com/aces/Loris/projects/19> on Github as follows:
      - drag the card to either "Fail" or "Success" columns after testing
      is completed
      - update the card with links to the issues and/or PRs you created

*List of the modules that should be tested at the latest on Monday:*

   - publication: *Leigh Mac.*
   - new_profile: *Henri*
   - next_stage: *Nicolas*
   - server_processing_manager: *Jess*
   - survey_accounts: *Dave*
   - configuration: *Rida*
   - data_dictionary: *Henri*
   - login: *Nicolas*
   - imaging_browser: *John* (when test-loris-dev is updated)
   - data_team_helper: *Xavier*
   - genomic_browser: *Dave*
   - DQT: *Cécile*
   - instrument_manager: *Shen*, can you test it or give access to the
   backend of testing to *Justin* so he can test it?

*2) Issues to fix for 22.0*

These have been assigned per modules. Please work on them on Monday so that
the issues found during the first round of testing can be quickly resolved.

   - *Bugs most likely related to the setup of the testing VM:* *Shen*
      - Instruments BMI bug (#5448
      - Set up the media upload folder (#5455
      <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5455>, #5462
   - *Install CentOS issues:* *Alizée*
      - Install error when schema sourcing fails (#5472
      - Install CentOS: update documentation for httpd.conf (#5454
      - Remove is-writable check for logs directory (#5382
      - *document_repository:* *Zaliqa*
      - Files from all directories shown without filtering (#5449
      - Duplicate file uploading (#5453
      - User A edits while user B deletes (#5456
      - No notifications sent to email (#5457
   - *media:* *Henri*
      - Not all item included in .csv when table is downloaded (#5458
      - Language option in edit page (#5459
      - Force language selection when uploading a file (#5464
      - Form not resetting after upload (#5363
   - *statistics:* *Sruthy*
      - Total age average in months not calculated (#5466
      - Behavioural statistics not updating when switching project (#5463
      - Minor UI issue in dropdown in <900px wide screens (#5460
   - *examiner:* *Sruthy*
      - saving examiner certification details gives 500 error (#5423
   - *brainbrowser:* *Cécile*
      - No permissions for access restriction (#5473
      - Minor UI improvements on Overlay Panel (#5469
      - Loading slowness and lack of clarity when loading (#5474
   - *dashboard:* *Justin*
      - New and pending imaging sessions are un-clickable (#5461
   - *data_release:* *Justin*
      - no access point for regular users except manually type in URL (#5496
   - *user_accounts:* *Nicolas*
      - Can set password and email to be the same (#5416
      - PR to review and test for user account (#5426
      - Abstract common functionality between Edit User and My Preferences(
      #5427 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5427>)
      - Can set new password to be the same as current password (#5439
      - Password auto-created is massive (#5440
   - *candidate parameters:* *Jess*
      - Module broken (#5434 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5434>)
   - *quality_control:* *John/Christine*
      - Arrows at top right of data table - hide all data (#5483
      - BVL tab seems to be missing a status? (#5482
      - Create RB test data (#5480
   - *data_integrity_flag:* *Henri*
      - Filter link not fully working (#5479
   - *mri_violation:* *Cécile* to sit with John for those issues
      - (#5422 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5422>)
      - (#5421 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5421>)
      - (#5420 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5420>)
      - (#5419 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5419>)
   - *new_profile:* *Rida*
      - If user assigned to 1 site, unhide site field and auto-populate
      default site (#5380 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5380>)
   - *create_timepoint:* *Krishna*
      - Creating timepoint without selecting `Project` leads to 500 error (
      #5418 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5418>)
   - *dicom_archive:* *Krishna*
      - date format inconsistencies (#5443
      <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5443>) - please double check
      that this is indeed an issue
      - test and review PR #5450 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/pull/5450> that
      fixes metadata not being display in the view details page
   - *test plan tickets:* *Corey*
      - (#5481 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/issues/5481>) Can you work
      with *Christine* and *John* to create a proper test plan for the QC
      - Issue Tracker test plan to update (#5495
   - *instrument_builder:* *Christine maybe you could help Corey clarify
   how to test that module?*
      - No cue for how to add and save rules (#5494
      - No cue for how to Preview the instrument (#5493
      - Item meaning confusing (#5488
      - No cue for "Add Blank Line" (#5486
      - No cue for "validate that not_answered option is added in the linst
      file for this question" (#5484
   - *behavioural feedback:* *Xavier*
      - Issues with display and closing of threads after hitting 'Close'
      button (#5467 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/pull/5467>)
      - (#5468 <https://github.com/aces/Loris/pull/5468>) new feature
   - *imaging_uploader:* *Xavier*
      - can't show upload file in the front-end (#5413
   - *help_editor:* *Xavier*
   - unable to edit help editor (#5446

Thank you all very much for your contribution! If you encounter any issues
with your assignments, please contact Dave, Rida or Cécile so we can deal
with those.

Happy Postponed Halloween!! 😈👻💀👽🤗

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