[Loris-dev] Import mri - scripts

Cecile Madjar cecile.madjar at mcin.ca
Thu Jul 18 10:00:25 EDT 2019

Hi Sotirios,

See answers to your questions below.

About the 1st case we had a dicom with a blank studyUID, maybe someone
> accidentally removed it.
That is strange. Something must have been done to the DICOM files. I have
never seen a study with no StudyUID out of the scanner. Usually, you need
to manually erase it with some tool. However, DICOMs never cease to
surprise me...

> Some other questions:
> 1) What are the steps to remove all of my patients and uploads?: because i
> want to try to reupload all the testing dicoms we had with a clean database.

Release 21.0 of LORIS-MRI will offer a script to remove all the entries and
files specific to an upload. However, this release is not yet out.
Hopefully in the next few weeks.
In the meantime, since your case is particular and that you just want to
start with a clean database, the following deletes should work (hopefully I
won't forget any tables):
delete from mri_violations_log;
delete from mri_protocol_violated_scans;
delete from MRICandidateErrors;
delete from parameter_file;
delete from files_qcstatus; # (if you played with the QC part of the
imaging browser for testing)
delete from feedback_mri_comments; # (if you played with the QC part of the
imaging browser for testing)
delete from tarchive_series;
delete from tarchive_files;
delete from mri_upload;
delete from tarchive;
delete from mri_scanner;
delete from candidate where PSCID="scanner";

I don't know if you want to also delete entries in the session and
candidate table too?

2) We do not need to create the profile of a patient ( are the patients
> stored in the candidate table? because i can't see the ghosts ), because
> will it automatically be created when importing a dicom?

I am not sure I understand fully this question. All candidates are stored
in the candidate table. The phantom scans however are attached to a scanner
candidate depending on where the scan happened. It is a bit of a weird
concept that we have to redesign eventually but never got a chance to get
to it.

Hopefully this answered your question, otherwise, don't hesitate to let me

3) What is the difference between uploading a dicom as phantom instead of
> importing as PSCCID_DCCID_VisitLabel?

When you upload the scan as PSCID_DCCID_VisitLabel, there is a check that
makes sure the candidate IDs and visit label are valid at the time of
When you upload a scan as phantom, it expects that the DICOM field
PatientName and uploaded filename contains the string "phantom". We
enforced this behaviour on the imaging uploader side in recent releases but
I can't remember which one. Probably the upcoming 21.0 release.

All those verifications might seem cumbersome but they are here to ensure
that the files inserted are all valid and labelled properly as it is a bit
messy to have to delete files that were wrongly labelled. At least, the
delete script present in release 21.0 will make this process easier but it
is still good practice to verify those things.

> Thank you,

With pleasure. Hopefully the answers to your questions will be helpful.



PS: loris-dev mailing list: you will find the initial answer I gave
Sotirios below. I forgot to cc the loris-dev in my earlier reply...

Στις Τρί, 16 Ιουλ 2019 στις 12:02 π.μ., ο/η Cecile Madjar <
> cecile.madjar at mcin.ca> έγραψε:
>> Dear Sotirios,
>> Thank you for reaching out. Since your email was already organized in
>> points, I will reply directly below your questions below.
>> Best,
>> Cécile
>> 1) What do we do when the StudyUID is blank on the header?
>>> https://github.com/aces/Loris-MRI/blob/minor/docs/AppendixA-Troubleshooting_guideline.md
>>> There solution provided at the table 3 does not guide us how to find the
>>> information ( is possible ).
>> The StudyUID is the field used in our pipeline at the moment to check
>> whether a DICOM study was already inserted into LORIS with that same
>> StudyUID since it is supposed to be unique for every single study.
>> Currently, we do not support insertion of DICOM studies if they do not have
>> a StudyUID associated with them.
>> Is there a specific reason why the StudyUID is blank in the DICOM headers
>> in your DICOM files? Did they go through some processes before upload to
>> 2) When i am about to upload a non-phanton case i need a 'Visit Label'.
>>> Is there already a script that can create a new visit label for a specific
>>> Candidate, so i can provide it as input afterwards to the
>>> batch_uploads_imageuploader ( See option 5.1.3 https://github.com/aces/Loris-MRI/blob/minor/docs/05-PipelineLaunchOptions.md )
>> I am not sure if the front-end allows for it but if you use
>> batch_uploads_imageuploader, the insertion scripts could create the visit
>> label for you. However, it does need to be included in the patient name in
>> order for the script to know which label it should use.
>> For example: you upload V02 for MTL0123 (DCCID: 456789)  but V02 was not
>> yet created for MTL0123; the insertion scripts will create a V02 visit for
>> MTL0123 if the PatientName field for the dataset is MTL0123_456789_V02 with
>> Stage marked as "Not Started".
>> However, *note that for the script to create the visit for the
>> candidate, you have to make sure that all the visit label of your projects
>> were inserted in the Visit_Windows table* (otherwise, the visit will
>> never be created as they were not specified as being part of the list of
>> visit label to expect). So in the example above, you should have one row in
>> Visit_Windows with Visit_label="V02" set.
>>> 3) Section 4.3
>>> https://github.com/aces/Loris-MRI/blob/minor/docs/04-Scripts.md
>>> What do we do when the folder contains multiple mnc files?
>>> This is a case by case. Most of the time, the MINC files that failed
>> insertion into the imaging browser end up in the MRI violation module where
>> you can see what went wrong with the acquisitions not inserted. If you
>> notice that the MINC file should be inserted as a specific protocol, you
>> can force the insertion as explained in section 4.3.
>> In your case, I have a feeling that you want to be able to insert MINC
>> files that did not go through the whole pipeline insertion (DICOM archival,
>> then dcm2mnc, then protocol identification, then insertion...). In theory,
>> you could call minc_insertion.pl on any MINC file, provided you have at
>> least the following information:
>> - path to the MINC  file
>> - uploadID associated with the MINC files or DICOM archive path from
>> which those MINC files were created from
>> Then the minc_insertion.pl script will do the subject information and
>> protocol validation etc...
>> If all the MINC files come from the same uploadID or TarchiveID, then you
>> could run a loop in bash calling the minc_insertion.pl script like this
>> for files deriving from uploadID=1:
>> ls /path/to/mnc/folder/* | while read f; do minc_insertion.pl -profile
>> prod -uploadID 1 -mincPath $f; done
>>> Thank you,
>> Hope this helped!
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