[Loris-dev] incorporating javascript into php instrument forms

Cardillo, Garry cardillo at med.umich.edu
Mon May 14 12:09:07 EDT 2018

Hello All,

Hoping you can help me out a little bit more.  I am trying to get custom JS and CSS working on our instrument forms.  We are on 14.12.1.

Here is what I have done:

  1.  Copied the getJS and getCSS code from NDB_Page on github to NDB_Page in my system (code I pulled is below)
  2.  Copied NDB_BVL_Instrument.class.inc from /php/libraries to /project/libraries
  3.  Created folders and files for custom js and css:
     *   /project/instruments/css/css.css
     *   /project/instruments/js/js.js
  4.  Added getJS and getCSS code into NDB_BVL_Instrument.class.inc and pointed the paths to the locations in #3 (code is below)
  5.  Checked and verified the instrument forms are extending the NDB_BVL_Instrument.class.inc file from /project/libraries

Seems like there is one small piece I'm missing somewhere.

I found a file at:  /htdocs/bootstrap/css/custom-css.css that has a section "CSS for instrument forms" and code that I've added there is being referenced by our instruments, which would work fine as a work around, but I still want to apply custom javascript as well, AND I want to find out where I went wrong in the process I outlined above.

Thanks for any insight you can offer.




* Returns an ordered list of javascript dependencies that this page depends

* on. These will get loaded into the template in order, so that

* interdependent files can be included in the correct order.


* @return array of strings with URLs to retrieve JS resources


function getJSDependencies()


$factory = NDB_Factory::singleton();

$config = $factory->config();

$www = $config->getSetting('www');

$baseurl = $www['url'];

$min = ($config->getSetting("sandbox") === '1') ? '' : '.min';

// Currently jquery-ui is required for dialogs and datepickers to work.

// In the future release, dialogs should be replaced with bootstrap dialogs

// and datepickers only created by modernizr

$files = array(

$baseurl . '/js/jquery/jquery-1.11.0.min.js',

$baseurl . '/js/helpHandler.js',

$baseurl . '/js/modernizr/modernizr.min.js',

// Only load minified file on production, not sandboxes

$baseurl . '/js/polyfills.js',

$baseurl . '/js/react/react-with-addons' . $min . '.js',

$baseurl . '/js/react/react-dom' . $min . '.js',

$baseurl . '/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js',

$baseurl . '/js/jquery.dynamictable.js',

$baseurl . '/js/jquery.fileupload.js',

$baseurl . '/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js',

$baseurl . '/js/components/Breadcrumbs.js',

$baseurl . '/vendor/sweetalert/sweetalert' . $min . '.js',

$baseurl . "/js/util/queryString.js",

$baseurl . '/js/components/Form.js',

$baseurl . '/js/components/Markdown.js',


return $files;



* Returns an ordered list of CSS dependencies that this page depends

* on. These will get loaded into the template in order, so that

* interdependent files can be included in the correct order.


* @return array of strings with URLs to retrieve CSS resources


function getCSSDependencies()


$factory = NDB_Factory::singleton();

$config = $factory->config();

$www = $config->getSetting('www');

$baseurl = $www['url'];

$files = array(

$baseurl . "/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css",

$baseurl . "/bootstrap/css/custom-css.css",

$baseurl . "/js/jquery/datepicker/datepicker.css",

$baseurl . '/vendor/sweetalert/sweetalert.css',


return $files;



function getJSDependencies() {

$factory = \NDB_Factory::singleton();

$baseURL = $factory->settings()->getBaseURL();

$deps = parent::getJSDependencies();

return array_merge(



$baseURL . "/project/instruments/js/js.js",




function getCSSDependencies()


$factory = \NDB_Factory::singleton();

$baseURL = $factory->settings()->getBaseURL();

$deps = parent::getCSSDependencies();

return array_merge(


[$baseURL . "/project/instruments/css/css.css"]



Garry Cardillo
Database Analyst/Programmer Intermediate
Department of Radiology
Functional Neuroimaging, Cognitive and Mobility Laboratory
Domino’s Farms  Lobby B Suite 1000
24 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr  PO BOX 362
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
t: 734-936-0630
f: 734-998-8403
e: cardillo at umich.edu
Electronic Mail is not secure, may not be read every day, and should not be used for urgent or sensitive issues 
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