[Loris-dev] [LORIS-IPMSA] Series description does not match

Morales Pinzon, Alfredo AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu
Mon Dec 17 21:27:28 EST 2018

Dear LorisDev team,

I am batch uploading images (~5000 visits = 15000 MRI images) into LORIS but they are not being classified correctly based on the series description (series_description_regex in table mri_protocol). Could you help with 2 things?

1. How can I change the type of an image already inserted? All the images inserted, so far around 240, were classified as NA.

2. Could you tell me if I am missing something in the series_description_regex in table mri_protocol? Here is what I have in the table mri_protocol and mri_scan_type, and a screenshot (attached) of one of the inserted images in LORIS:


mysql> select * from mri_protocol \G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                      ID: 1004
             Center_name: ZZZZ
               ScannerID: 0
               Scan_type: 41
                TR_range: NULL
                TE_range: NULL
                TI_range: NULL
   slice_thickness_range: NULL
             FoV_x_range: NULL
             FoV_y_range: NULL
             FoV_z_range: NULL
            xspace_range: NULL
            yspace_range: NULL
            zspace_range: NULL
             xstep_range: NULL
             ystep_range: NULL
             zstep_range: NULL
              time_range: NULL
series_description_regex: /^flr$/i
*************************** 2. row ***************************
                      ID: 1005
             Center_name: ZZZZ
               ScannerID: 0
               Scan_type: 1001
                TR_range: NULL
                TE_range: NULL
                TI_range: NULL
   slice_thickness_range: NULL
             FoV_x_range: NULL
             FoV_y_range: NULL
             FoV_z_range: NULL
            xspace_range: NULL
            yspace_range: NULL
            zspace_range: NULL
             xstep_range: NULL
             ystep_range: NULL
             zstep_range: NULL
              time_range: NULL
series_description_regex: /^pdw$/i
*************************** 3. row ***************************
                      ID: 1007
             Center_name: ZZZZ
               ScannerID: 0
               Scan_type: 1002
                TR_range: NULL
                TE_range: NULL
                TI_range: NULL
   slice_thickness_range: NULL
             FoV_x_range: NULL
             FoV_y_range: NULL
             FoV_z_range: NULL
            xspace_range: NULL
            yspace_range: NULL
            zspace_range: NULL
             xstep_range: NULL
             ystep_range: NULL
             zstep_range: NULL
              time_range: NULL
series_description_regex: /^t2w$/i
*************************** 4. row ***************************
                      ID: 1009
             Center_name: ZZZZ
               ScannerID: 0
               Scan_type: 1003
                TR_range: NULL
                TE_range: NULL
                TI_range: NULL
   slice_thickness_range: NULL
             FoV_x_range: NULL
             FoV_y_range: NULL
             FoV_z_range: NULL
            xspace_range: NULL
            yspace_range: NULL
            zspace_range: NULL
             xstep_range: NULL
             ystep_range: NULL
             zstep_range: NULL
              time_range: NULL
series_description_regex: /^t1c$/i
*************************** 5. row ***************************
                      ID: 1010
             Center_name: ZZZZ
               ScannerID: 0
               Scan_type: 1004
                TR_range: NULL
                TE_range: NULL
                TI_range: NULL
   slice_thickness_range: NULL
             FoV_x_range: NULL
             FoV_y_range: NULL
             FoV_z_range: NULL
            xspace_range: NULL
            yspace_range: NULL
            zspace_range: NULL
             xstep_range: NULL
             ystep_range: NULL
             zstep_range: NULL
              time_range: NULL
series_description_regex: /^t1p$/i
*************************** 6. row ***************************
                      ID: 1011
             Center_name: ZZZZ
               ScannerID: 0
               Scan_type: 1005
                TR_range: NULL
                TE_range: NULL
                TI_range: NULL
   slice_thickness_range: NULL
             FoV_x_range: NULL
             FoV_y_range: NULL
             FoV_z_range: NULL
            xspace_range: NULL
            yspace_range: NULL
            zspace_range: NULL
             xstep_range: NULL
             ystep_range: NULL
             zstep_range: NULL
              time_range: NULL
series_description_regex: /^mtOFF$/i
*************************** 7. row ***************************
                      ID: 1012
             Center_name: ZZZZ
               ScannerID: 0
               Scan_type: 1006
                TR_range: NULL
                TE_range: NULL
                TI_range: NULL
   slice_thickness_range: NULL
             FoV_x_range: NULL
             FoV_y_range: NULL
             FoV_z_range: NULL
            xspace_range: NULL
            yspace_range: NULL
            zspace_range: NULL
             xstep_range: NULL
             ystep_range: NULL
             zstep_range: NULL
              time_range: NULL
series_description_regex: /^mtON$/i
*************************** 8. row ***************************
                      ID: 1013
             Center_name: ZZZZ
               ScannerID: 0
               Scan_type: 1000
                TR_range: NULL
                TE_range: NULL
                TI_range: NULL
   slice_thickness_range: NULL
             FoV_x_range: NULL
             FoV_y_range: NULL
             FoV_z_range: NULL
            xspace_range: NULL
            yspace_range: NULL
            zspace_range: NULL
             xstep_range: NULL
             ystep_range: NULL
             zstep_range: NULL
              time_range: NULL
series_description_regex: NULL
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select * from mri_scan_type;
| ID   | Scan_type    |
|   40 | fMRI         |
|   41 | flair        |
|   44 | t1           |
|   45 | t2           |
|   46 | pd           |
|   47 | mrs          |
|   48 | dti          |
|   49 | t1relx       |
|   50 | dct2e1       |
|   51 | dct2e2       |
|   52 | scout        |
|   53 | tal_msk      |
|   54 | cocosco_cls  |
|   55 | clean_cls    |
|   56 | em_cls       |
|   57 | seg          |
|   58 | white_matter |
|   59 | gray_matter  |
|   60 | csf_matter   |
|   61 | nlr_masked   |
|   62 | pve          |
|  999 | unknown      |
| 1000 | NA           |
| 1001 | pdw          |
| 1002 | t2w          |
| 1003 | t1c          |
| 1004 | t1p          |
| 1005 | mtOFF        |
| 1006 | mtON         |


Thank you for any help.

Best regards,


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