[Loris-dev] Error: Acquisition protocol is unknown

Morales Pinzon, Alfredo AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu
Tue Nov 28 16:20:01 EST 2017

Hi Mouna.

The error was coming from the 'NULL' entries in the "mri_protocol", I have modified them and the insertion is working.

Thank you very much!



From: Mouna Safi-Harab <mouna.safi-harb at mail.mcgill.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:48:35 PM
To: Morales Pinzon, Alfredo; loris-dev at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Cc: Louis Collins, Dr.; Sridar Narayanan, Dr.; pistikem at gmail.com; Rozie Arnaoutelis, Ms.; Zografos Caramanos, Mr; Douglas Arnold, Dr.; Guttmann, Charles,M.D.
Subject: Re: Error: Acquisition protocol is unknown

Hi Alfredo,

Which version of Loris-MRI are you on?

A couple of things that I can ask you to check:

1) instead of selecting from the mri_protocol at the mysql command, can you get a dump of the mri_protocol table into a text file. That row entry corresponding to ID=1008, does it have NULL or 'NULL' entries? i.e. when you inserted it, did you insert the NULL values with a single quotation? if so, this might be the issue

2) in your prod file, what is inside the routine: isFileToBeRegisteredGivenProtocol{}

3) in the mri_scan_types, I assume you have a scan_type entry for ID=1008?

4) the print statements you have enabled is a great start. I would add manually a few more a few lines later;

i.e. when the script does this:

   else {
            if ((!$rowref->{'TR_range'} || &in_range($tr, $rowref->{'TR_range'}))
                && (!$rowref->{'TE_range'} || &in_range($te, $rowref->{'TE_range'}))
I would add inside this if statement a few print. If the NULL comparison is working, the condition !$rowref->{'TR_range'} should be true, same thing for  !$rowref->{'TE_range'}, etc..., so try to see if this is indeed the case by printing it.

Let me know if this helps, otherwise, do not hesitate to ask more!

- Mouna

From: loris-dev-bounces at bic.mni.mcgill.ca <loris-dev-bounces at bic.mni.mcgill.ca> on behalf of Morales Pinzon, Alfredo <AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 11:47:44 AM
To: loris-dev at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Cc: Louis Collins, Dr.; Sridar Narayanan, Dr.; pistikem at gmail.com; Rozie Arnaoutelis, Ms.; Zografos Caramanos, Mr; Douglas Arnold, Dr.; Guttmann, Charles,M.D.
Subject: [Loris-dev] Error: Acquisition protocol is unknown

Dear LORIS team,

I am in the final phase of image batch-uploading using the script "batch_uploads_imageuploader" and need some help. It seems that everything goes well before the 'acquisition protocol" checking step, where the type of image cannot be determined and it's left as "unknown". It is strange that this happens because the parameters of the images are inside the ranges specified in the table "mri_protocol", and even stranger when I have an entry, for type NA, with everything NULL:

mysql> select * from mri_protocol where ID=1008 \G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                      ID: 1008
             Center_name: ZZZZ
               ScannerID: 0
               Scan_type: 1000
                TR_range: NULL
                TE_range: NULL
                TI_range: NULL
   slice_thickness_range: NULL
             FoV_x_range: NULL
             FoV_y_range: NULL
             FoV_z_range: NULL
            xspace_range: NULL
            yspace_range: NULL
            zspace_range: NULL
             xstep_range: NULL
             ystep_range: NULL
             zstep_range: NULL
              time_range: NULL
series_description_regex: NULL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I was trying to see where the error can comes from and it seems to come from the file "Loris-MRI/uploadNeuroDB/NeuroDB/MRI.pm" (https://github.com/aces/Loris-MRI/blob/950c9e8892773a7ecc9b97a117bdae74814ce8f1/uploadNeuroDB/NeuroDB/MRI.pm). I actually activate the printing part of the code (https://github.com/aces/Loris-MRI/blob/950c9e8892773a7ecc9b97a117bdae74814ce8f1/uploadNeuroDB/NeuroDB/MRI.pm#L435 and https://github.com/aces/Loris-MRI/blob/950c9e8892773a7ecc9b97a117bdae74814ce8f1/uploadNeuroDB/NeuroDB/MRI.pm#L485) to see the parameter values of the images.

Here are the instruction that I am using and the logs that I get (I removed information related to my project by PPP):

PPP/bin/mri//batch_uploads_imageuploader -profile prod < PPP.txt > PPP_log_batch_uploads_imageuploader.txt 2>&

File: log from batch_uploads_imageuploader script (PPP_log_batch_uploads_imageuploader.txt)
Running now the following command: PPP/bin/mri/uploadNeuroDB/imaging_upload_file.pl -profile prod -upload_id 5 PPP.tar.gz -verbose

PPP/bin/mri/dicom-archive/dicomTar.pl /tmp/ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo PPP/data/tarchive -clobber -database -profile prod -verbose
 Source: /tmp/ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo
Target: PPP/data/tarchive

Testing for database connectivity.
Database is available.

You will archive the dir                : ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo

You are creating a tar with the following command:
tar -cf PPP/data/tarchive/ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo.tar ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo

getting md5sums and gzipping!!

* Taken from dir                   :    /tmp/ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo
* Archive target location          :    PPP/data/tarchive/PPP_ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo.tar
* Name of creating host            :    PPP
* Name of host OS                  :    PPP
* Created by user                  :    lorisadmin
* Archived on                      :    2017-11-28 11:06:33
* dicomSummary version             :    1
* dicomTar version                 :    1
* md5sum for DICOM tarball         :    12c2e901dbb88a7cbcb71ede54ff2fdf  ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo.tar
* md5sum for DICOM tarball gzipped :    9fc33ff9fbd72a4c5aa14d4c6235c238  ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo.tar.gz
* md5sum for complete archive      :    5afa4143e07d50a2e340ddf45b5338d9  PPP_ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo.tar

Adding archive info into database

Removing temporary files from target location

Done adding archive info into database

PPP/bin/mri/uploadNeuroDB/tarchiveLoader -globLocation -profile prod PPP/data/tarchive/PPP_ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo.tar -verbose
 md5sum PPP/data/tarchive/DPPP_ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo.tar
 CandID id: PPP
 visit_label is: PPP
candidate id PPP
 CandID id: PPP
 visit_label is: PPP

Number of MINC files that will be considered for inserting into the database: 5

log dir is PPP/data/logs and log file is PPP/data/logs/TarLoad-11-6-MewKHm.log
 CandID id: PPP
 visit_label is: PPP
candidate id PPP

tr:     2500
te:     12.1
st:     3
xspace: 256
yspace: 256
zspace: 60
xstep:  -0.9765723348
ystep:  -0.9765625
zstep:  3.
        Checking flair (41) (Axial PD =~ NULL)
        xspace  yspace  zspace  ST
        Checking pdw (1001) (Axial PD =~ NULL)
        TR      TE      xspace  yspace  zspace  ST
        Checking t1 (44) (Axial PD =~ NULL)
        xspace  yspace  zspace  ST
        Checking t2w (1002) (Axial PD =~ NULL)
        xspace  yspace  zspace  ST
        Checking NA (1000) (Axial PD =~ NULL)

... // the other 4 images //

Cleaning up temp files: rm -rf /tmp/TarLoad-11-6-FYfBtg/ImagingUpload-11-6-0NOcLo*

 No Mincs inserted

The insertion scripts have failed

File: $project/data/logs/TarLoad-11-6-MewKHm.log
==> Loading file from disk /tmp/TarLoad-11-6-FYfBtg/PPP_3e1_mri.mnc

--> mapping DICOM parameter for /tmp/TarLoad-11-6-FYfBtg/PPP_3e1_mri.mnc

==> computing md5 hash for MINC body.

--> md5: 2278a2f9c6f586a16316d41390a0c045

==> verifying acquisition protocol

Acquisition protocol is unknown

  --> The minc file cannot be registered since the AcquisitionProtocol is unknown

I can provide more information if needed.

Any help is welcomed :)


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