[Loris-dev] Blank white page

Morales Pinzon, Alfredo AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu
Mon Nov 6 12:14:41 EST 2017

Hi Christine,

I moved the code to /var/www/loris and changed the 'Base' and 'DownloadPath' in the database. After doing this I had to go again though the db installation (installdb.php). At the end of this step I got a webpage saying:

Almost done! The LORIS username was configured, but the web server wasn't able to write to the file /var/www/loris//project/config.xml. Please copy and paste the following into that file on the server in which this web server is running or contact your system administer for help: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
... </config>

After that you should be able to access LORIS by visiting<> and logging in with the front end admin username and password you configured on the previous page.

After that modification in the config.xml file I am still not able to access , I get a blank page (the variables Base has the right path in the new database that I had to create). Moreover if I go to<>/installdb.php I can still start the database configuration process, before it was saying that an instance of LORIS was already configured.

Here is what I have in the apache log (/var/log/apache2/loris-error.log)

[Mon Nov 06 12:05:39.773502 2017] [:error] [pid 16522] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ConfigurationException: Config file config.xml does not exist in the defined locations. in /var/www/loris/php/libraries/NDB_Config.class.inc:146\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/loris/php/libraries/NDB_Config.class.inc(73): NDB_Config->configFilePath()\n#1 /var/www/loris/php/libraries/NDB_Factory.class.inc(118): NDB_Config::singleton(NULL)\n#2 /var/www/loris/php/libraries/NDB_Client.class.inc(54): NDB_Factory->config(NULL)\n#3 /var/www/loris/htdocs/main.php(29): NDB_Client->initialize()\n#4 {main}\n  thrown in /var/www/loris/php/libraries/NDB_Config.class.inc on line 146

Any ideas?

From: Christine Rogers [christine.rogers at mcgill.ca]
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 10:01 AM
To: Morales Pinzon, Alfredo
Cc: loris-dev at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Subject: Re: [Loris-dev] Blank white page

Hi Alfredo,

Can I just move everything one folder up (mv /var/www/loris/LORIS/* /var/www/loris)?

Yes, it's recommended to just move the code one directory up, to /var/www/loris/

The clone command you executed should have used a period as the last argument -- to clone to the current directory.  (I'll see if we can clarify that in the wiki.)

When reading the troubleshooting section (https://github.com/aces/Loris/wiki/Installing-Loris-in-Depth#troubleshooting-the-basic-installation) it is specified to check the 'base' path, but this path has not been declare before. Maybe it is a well known path in apache, but I don't know where to find and modify it.

The Base path is a Loris Config table setting -- usually accessible from the front-end Configuration module, under the "Paths" section.
Given that your front-end is not loading, follow the detailed config troubleshooting instructions in the wiki<https://github.com/aces/Loris/wiki/Project-Customization#troubleshooting-configuration-settings> to modify this setting from the MySQL back-end.

on behalf of the LORIS team

On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Morales Pinzon, Alfredo <AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu<mailto:AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Dear LORIS Dev Team,

I just finished the installation of LORIS but when I go to <loris-url> I get a blank white page! I think this is related to the way I got the code from git. In the instructions (https://github.com/aces/Loris/wiki/Setting-Up-Git) it is written to run:

Run cd /var/www (Or where your apache2 is serving files from)
Run cd <loris-directory>
Run git clone <git-clone-url>
Wait while it clones
Clone complete

This leaves the LORIS code in the folder:


However, later in the installation process (https://github.com/aces/Loris/wiki/Installing-Loris-in-Depth#configuring-apache2) the instructions make reference to the folder


All that to say that I think Apache is trying to access /var/www/loris but the real path is /var/www/loris/LORIS.

When reading the troubleshooting section (https://github.com/aces/Loris/wiki/Installing-Loris-in-Depth#troubleshooting-the-basic-installation) it is specified to check the 'base' path, but this path has not been declare before. Maybe it is a well known path in apache, but I don't know where to find and modify it.

Could you help me this issue?
Can I just move everything one folder up (mv /var/www/loris/LORIS/* /var/www/loris)?

Thank you for any help.


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christine.rogers at mcgill.ca<mailto:christine.rogers at mcgill.ca>
McGill Centre for Integrative Neuroscience | MCIN.ca
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McGill University | Montreal | Canada
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