[Loris-dev] database problem - local installation of LORIS

Hohenfeld, Christian chohenfeld at ukaachen.de
Wed Aug 16 08:54:51 EDT 2017

Hi Patrik, 

it looks like the permissions you have there are off, independent of your configuration file, which might lead to issues. At the moment it seems like most things are owned by root and only writable to root, which is likely to cause issues further down the road. Did you do the installation as root? 
Have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_system_permissions#Notation_of_traditional_Unix_permissions for a short explanation of unix permissions. 

You may want to look at what the chmod, chown and chgrp commands do if you are not familiar with them already (try the manages or googling for the commands). 

So you might want to try changing permissions of your loris installation to your lorisadmin user and the apache2 group:

sudo chown -R lorisadmin:www-data /var/www/TestProject

(be careful when doing this, as "sudo chown -R“ on the wrong directory can mess up quite a lot of stuff – I did my best to put the command here correctly but make sure you understand what it does before executing this)

Then you will need to fix a few permissions again, set the ownership of /var/www/TestProject/modules/document_repository/user_uploads and /var/www/TestProject/smarty/templates_c to www-data:www-data (should all work without sudo if you are logged in as lorisadmin). 

Finally, you should set the mode to 770 for the following directories: /var/www/TestProject/smarty/templates_c, /var/www/TestProject/tools/logs and /var/www/TestProject/project (some might require sudo).

Then try again. If this still fails you could try temporarily setting the mode of the config.xml file to 664, which might be required if you do the configuration through the webpage (on the system I manage it has 644 for lorisadmin:www-data, but if I remember correctly I added the database config manually to it). 

Best regards

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