[Loris-dev] Behavioral Database Workflow

Muhammad Khan mukhan at ualberta.ca
Tue Apr 11 16:03:56 EDT 2017

Hi LORIS dev community,

I had a couple of questions regarding the behavioral database:

i.) What is the purpose of the *BVL QC *& *BVL Exclusion*, and how do I go
about utilizing this feature?

ii.) On the dashboard, I noticed that the number of *Incomplete Forms *that
is displayed in the *My Tasks panel* only considers an incomplete form if
it is 'In Progress'. If a visit stage is started, the instruments that are
populated are not considered to be 'In Progress' until they are opened. So
the number displayed on the dashboard excludes unopened instruments.
However, in the Data Team Helper module, and the Statistics page, an
unopened instrument is considered to be incomplete. Would it not be more
appropriate to have the number of *Incomplete Forms* reflect both unopened,
and 'In Progress' forms to keep it consistent with the other modules?
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