[Loris-dev] DQT install - couchdb

Tom Beaudry waveflux at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 15:03:07 EST 2015

Hi Everyone,

I think I have successfully installed couchdb, and am now trying to finish
installing the DQT.   I got to the stage in which I had to edit the
local.ini file with the newCouchDBusername and password I wanted, and then
the wiki stated to restart couchdb.  Upon trying to restart couchdb, I now
get this error:

*[lorisadmin at canadachina couchdb]$ couchdb*
*Apache CouchDB 1.6.1 (LogLevel=info) is starting.*
*Failure to start Mochiweb: eaddrinuse*
*[error] [<0.107.0>] {error_report,<0.31.0>,*
*                     {<0.107.0>,crash_report,*
*                      [[{initial_call,*
*                         {mochiweb_socket_server,init,['Argument__1']}},*
*                        {pid,<0.107.0>},*
*                        {registered_name,[]},*
*                        {error_info,*
*                         {exit,eaddrinuse,*
*                          [{gen_server,init_it,6,*
*                            [{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,320}]},*
*                           {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,*
*                            [{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,227}]}]}},*
*                        {ancestors,*
*                        {messages,[]},*
*                        {links,[<0.94.0>]},*
*                        {dictionary,[]},*
*                        {trap_exit,true},*
*                        {status,running},*
*                        {heap_size,987},*
*                        {stack_size,24},*
*                        {reductions,466}],*
*                       []]}}*
*{"init terminating in

*Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump*
*init terminating in do_boot ()*

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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