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<div class="">Dear all,</div>
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<div class="">Final renovations and internal commissioning for the new Siemens Terra 7T MRI are going well, and we are on track to start offering MR Unit services to research users on June 1.</div>
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<div class="">Thanks to Mike Ferreira, most human peripherals (visual display, button box, etc.) have been purchased and installed. Equipment for NHP scanning (anesthesia) should be purchased within the first six weeks of this new fiscal year. As noted earlier,
we presently have a pair of 32Rx channel coils (1Tx and 8Tx) suitable for human head, and a 1Tx/29Rx knee coil suitable for NHP scanning. Ilana Leppert has also been working very hard to set up initial protocols and collect reference data for demonstration
and training.</div>
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<div class="">We realize that many users are waiting for further guidance on the capabilities of the new scanner, and this will be provided over the summer based on reference data we are currently acquiring. Nevertheless, it appears that there are a number
of early adopters who will be ready to initiate studies shortly after we go live in June.</div>
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<div class="">In order to finalize staffing plans, it would be extremely helpful if you can advise the MRU of your expected 7T usage for this summer. </div>
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<div class="">If you plan to use the 7T Terra, <u class="">please indicate the number of hours you expect to scan each month for June, July, and August</u>. We will also need to know whether you plan to scan
<u class="">humans or NHP</u>, and any <u class="">peripheral/stimulus equipment</u> and
<u class="">sequences</u> that will be required.</div>
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<div class="">Please cc Mike Ferreira and Ilana Leppert in your responses.</div>
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<div class="">Thank you and kind regards,</div>
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<div class="">Rick</div>
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<span style="font-size: 12px;" class="">---<br class="">
Rick Hoge, Ph.D.<br class="">
Director, MRI Unit<br class="">
McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute<br class="">
Associate Professor and Killam Scholar, Dept. of Neurology & Neurosurgery<br class="">
Associate Member, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering<br class="">
McGill University<br class="">
<a href="mailto:rick.hoge@mcgill.ca" class="">rick.hoge@mcgill.ca</a><br class="">
514-398-1929<br class="">
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