[BIC-announce] MEG/EEG/TMS postdoc recruitment @ NIH

Sylvain Baillet sylvain.baillet at mcgill.ca
Wed Apr 14 10:50:14 EDT 2021

We are recruiting postdocs with expertise in:

  1.  multivariate analytical techniques (e.g. – MVPA, HMM, Bayesian, or neural network modeling approaches) applicable to high temporal (e.g. – MEG, EEG) or spatial (e.g. –VASO layer-fMRI at 7T) resolution human brain imaging data (e.g. - MEG, EEG)
  2.  a strong interest in the investigation of human skill learning and memory, and functional recovery following neurological injury or disease
  3.  some previous experience with non-invasive brain stimulation (e.g. –TMS or TES) techniques is preferred, but not required

Salary depends on experience (see link in the attached advertisement).  We can also provide additional 10K for exceptional candidates.  Health insurance is provided separately.


Leonardo G. Cohen, M.D.

Chief, Human Cortical Physiology and Neurorehabilitation Section.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke NIH, Building 10, Room 7D54 Bethesda, MD 20892

Ph  (301) 496-9782

FAX (301) 402-7010

EMAIL. cohenl at ninds.nih.gov<mailto:cohenl at ninds.nih.gov>

WEB https://dir.ninds.nih.gov/ninds/Faculty/Profile/leonardo-cohen.html

Twitter: @CohenLabNIH<https://twitter.com/CohenLabNIH>

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